...STILL THINK THAT "SHOT FORTH SELF-LIVING" IS ONE OF THE BEST 'F'ing titles for an album EVER...and i dig Medicine, especially their first two albums...and dammit...think that they were on the Def Jam/American Records label, so its not like no one should have never heard of them, especially those who might have seen the original "Crow"...damn band was on the music score and it makes me mad that no one has never freakin' heard of them...BUT THEIR SOUND IS SEXY...I MEAN: MY BLOODY VALENTINE STRAIGHT-ON EROTIC!
...SO I'S NOT GOING to spell-out much more about the music stuff anymore...that ex-redhead girlfriend of mine ruined all of that passionate-feel that used to come with writing about music and stuff...and THERE AFTER...all that i wrote was for her, as I was one day hoping she'd flog me down like she first did when i first showed her that Morrissey review I wrote for a small time newspaper that should have been published in Rolling Stone because I know more about Morrissey and that great producer, Tony Visconti, than any moron writer for Rolling Stone will ever know...
...AND SO: I had to scrap most of what is in my collection because of her...started listening to a lot of Interpol and Trail of the Dead because it's all about meaningless relationships and "sex friends" and every bit of black-lush/non-feel emotion that runs through my blood these days...
...WORLD TENDS TO MOVE LIKE A TURTLE SOMEDAYS AND STANDS STILL LIKE AN ANDY WARHOL BLACK & WHITE SNAP-SHOT...crazy blond-headed girl merely rapes me with whistles and her compliments to me last night in the work-place parking lot...and I get all nervous and don't know what to say, so I walk away and it makes me hyper, so I gets all inside my vehicle and blast the latest Interpol until it awakes my senses...
...SO...my good girlfriend at work knows how i'm a freak for red-heads, as we both tend to share same crazed stories and lusts in life. She tells me not to limit myself. AND...as I am feeling all wild about this girl. GONNA take her advice...
...meanwhile: I AM SHOT FORTH SELF-LIVING and am going to love that title!
...STILL THINK THAT "SHOT FORTH SELF-LIVING" IS ONE OF THE BEST 'F'ing titles for an album EVER...and i dig Medicine, especially their first two albums...and dammit...think that they were on the Def Jam/American Records label, so its not like no one should have never heard of them, especially those who might have seen the original "Crow"...damn band was on the music score and it makes me mad that no one has never freakin' heard of them...BUT THEIR SOUND IS SEXY...I MEAN: MY BLOODY VALENTINE STRAIGHT-ON EROTIC!
...SO I'S NOT GOING to spell-out much more about the music stuff anymore...that ex-redhead girlfriend of mine ruined all of that passionate-feel that used to come with writing about music and stuff...and THERE AFTER...all that i wrote was for her, as I was one day hoping she'd flog me down like she first did when i first showed her that Morrissey review I wrote for a small time newspaper that should have been published in Rolling Stone because I know more about Morrissey and that great producer, Tony Visconti, than any moron writer for Rolling Stone will ever know...
...AND SO: I had to scrap most of what is in my collection because of her...started listening to a lot of Interpol and Trail of the Dead because it's all about meaningless relationships and "sex friends" and every bit of black-lush/non-feel emotion that runs through my blood these days...
...WORLD TENDS TO MOVE LIKE A TURTLE SOMEDAYS AND STANDS STILL LIKE AN ANDY WARHOL BLACK & WHITE SNAP-SHOT...crazy blond-headed girl merely rapes me with whistles and her compliments to me last night in the work-place parking lot...and I get all nervous and don't know what to say, so I walk away and it makes me hyper, so I gets all inside my vehicle and blast the latest Interpol until it awakes my senses...
...SO...my good girlfriend at work knows how i'm a freak for red-heads, as we both tend to share same crazed stories and lusts in life. She tells me not to limit myself. AND...as I am feeling all wild about this girl. GONNA take her advice...
...meanwhile: I AM SHOT FORTH SELF-LIVING and am going to love that title!