OK. First off, Thanks Neko I needed that. Second, my rant for the day.
I don't have many childhood memories that don't feel at least abit like a Dr. Seuss story. I gave a copy of "Oh the Places you'll go" to all of my friends after High School.
I don't have anything against Mike Myers but maybe he and his agent should have read the contracts when he signed up for cat in the hat. If I have to watch my third favorite cat hock another product like Lays chips, Sierra Mist, Burger King and such I'm going to snap! That just sucks!
I don't have many childhood memories that don't feel at least abit like a Dr. Seuss story. I gave a copy of "Oh the Places you'll go" to all of my friends after High School.
I don't have anything against Mike Myers but maybe he and his agent should have read the contracts when he signed up for cat in the hat. If I have to watch my third favorite cat hock another product like Lays chips, Sierra Mist, Burger King and such I'm going to snap! That just sucks!