I have GREAT news!! I have FINALLY been registered for the fall semester!! Woohoo!! Now all I have to do is pass the CLEP English exam while I am out here in Germany and I'll only need one more course after the fall semester to get my Associates! I will be taking Human Growth and Development, MicroComputer Applications I, Intercultural Communication and Language, Culture and Communication!! I realize I have a lot of exclamation points, but I am super excited to be heading back to school and getting a degree - even if it is just Liberal Studies. My ultimate goal is to have a Bachelors with a Major in Linguistics keeping with a Middle Eastern language and either a double major or a minor in Deaf Studies
I am not at all upset that I will probably be 28 by the time I get my degree because I have had so many opportunities and adventures in the Marine Corps that I would not have had if I just went straight to school. The only thing that is really going to stink is starting a new job :/ People tend to think that I'm still in High School from time to time and there's also not a lot of places hiring in the area that I'm searching in VT. Oh well, I'll get what I can and once I get my degree I'll be able to move on to something more suited to me.
Well, French class is in a few hours and I should catch some zzz's before going to learn more about DR P and MRS VANDERTRAMP
Check ya later!

I am not at all upset that I will probably be 28 by the time I get my degree because I have had so many opportunities and adventures in the Marine Corps that I would not have had if I just went straight to school. The only thing that is really going to stink is starting a new job :/ People tend to think that I'm still in High School from time to time and there's also not a lot of places hiring in the area that I'm searching in VT. Oh well, I'll get what I can and once I get my degree I'll be able to move on to something more suited to me.
Well, French class is in a few hours and I should catch some zzz's before going to learn more about DR P and MRS VANDERTRAMP

That is amazing..keep up the great work.