Okay, so it's high time for me to talk about Obama and why I voted for him. I will take on the issues that were important to me personally. And I can tell you this, some of the issues, I just don't give a shit about. First of all, no candidate is ever going to be 100% in line with my views. I'm what you might call a "conservative Democrat" but, I have voted Republican before too so I register as an Independent. I have no problem with those who see things differently than me. As long as the person is informed. That being said, I think there are way too many people, on both sides, who are not informed and that's why we end up getting into little tiffs and start name calling and such. Sure, I'll do some name calling, it won't be directed at anyone for expressing their informed opinions though. You know WHY I'll call names? Because it's a free country and I have the right to call names. Is it juvenile? Yeah. Do I care? Not really. It's one of the ways I express myself. I don't have an eloquent way with words, and sometimes, people are ass hats and I'm going to call them out on it. I'll take on the issues in the order I think of them, not necessarily in the order of importance to me.
W and his "no child left behind" bullshit have gypped my kids out of a true education. My kids get to learn what the standardized tests say. I'm just lucky that I wasn't in school during this time. I've never been good at taking tests and I would've failed miserably and therefore, cost my school funding. There is no reason why a kid, who isn't getting it, shouldn't be held back so they can learn it. Or have to go to summer school. There's also no reason that my kids shouldn't learn, from some personal experience about different things. However, they can't now because, unfortunately, those personal stories they'd hear aren't on "the tests". They're getting screwed and I wish they could get a true education. Obama has a plan to change that policy and I believe the change will be for the better. If you don't, that's your right, and if you're not bothered by the policy in place now, that's also your right, however, it's important to me and to my children and Obama's plan gives me hope that my kids will start to get a true education other than the one I'm trying to provide at home. it gives teachers the go ahead to actually start teaching kids again instead of just droning on about the asshole tests.
Here you go.
Ooooh, this one's a doozy, however, those of you who are complaining about it, I just can't help but think you don't understand it. We're being taxed up to our eyeballs. Obama is not saying that those in a higher income bracket will pick up the slack for everyone. Hell, he's even planning on cutting taxes for the small business owners who think they're going to end up supporting every welfare case around. Hey, Joe the Plumber, you don't like the policy because "someday you hope to make more than $250K" what? You mean, you're arguing a policy that doesn't even affect you and may never end up affecting you. Smooth. Now, to the rest of you, did you not notice where, with Obama's plan, all taxes would be cut? Or, how most of the tax hikes would be for big business? You know, those people who are, right now, under this president, getting so many tax cuts that they may as well not be paying taxes at all? Do you really think that, just because you make more money than most of the rest of the country that you are somehow above paying taxes? If taxes were based on a percentage solely on your income, you'd all be BROKE by now under the current regime. Because you are the ones getting screwed under the Republicans plans. You know how? Because the middle and lower classes can't pay and the upper class doesn't have to. That leaves you, the upper middle class ($250K and more) to pick up all the slack. Yeah, you're getting more screwed by those that you're supporting than you would be with those you're fighting so hard against.
You can read about that here.
Honestly, this one is kind of a no brainer. If you think about it, how hard would it be to have a system in place that ensures that people have health care coverage? Canada has one. The UK has one, even Mexico has one. Yeah, you'll hear them complain about waiting in lines but shit, is that any different than your regular, run of the mill Dr. office now? Shit, I make an appt. for 10am and I'm lucky to get in by 11am. What about the family whose job doesn't offer insurance, they've got small kids and one of them gets an ear infection. They have to go to an ER or a clinic, wait forever and then, they're lucky if the clinic agrees to bill them and doesn't make them pay upfront before they're seen. You see, not all employers provide access to health care and you know what else? They don't have to. Offering health care can put a small business out of business so, they get the option of Barack Obama's health care plan. Problem solved. Am I saying that nobody should have to pay for medical services? No, but shit there are millions of children without coverage. Who's going to protect them if not us? Besides, insurance companies are just greedy bastards who want to make the most money possible and give the least amount of help. extra, extra, read all about it.
Seriously, I think this is one issue that both parties agree on but they just want to go about it in different ways. Let's secure the borders, let's make it so people don't have to be scared to come here. America is the Land of the Free, and people know it, so they sneak over here, blend in and then, take the jobs that "no one else wants" That doesn't make it okay, make them pay taxes on their income. There will always be people working under the table etc. but to have full businesses running by paying illegals paltry sums, in abhorrent conditions, no thank you. And let's not forget, a lot of the businesses running like that are the big business people who are only thinking of profit. You know, the ones who are getting tax breaks right now. And, if they're not running it that way, they're outsourcing to other countries. Yeah, that's helping our lower class. They can't even get jobs because the jobs they could/would do, are being done for a lot less money over seas. For paltry sums. In abhorrent conditions.
Here ya go.
It's my body, it's my choice. If you don't like it, I don't care. You can't tell me not to get tattoos, you can't tell me what I can or can't do with my body, so why the hell would you try to tell me what I can do with my reproductive organs? Who the hell gave you the right to make decisions for me? I may not agree with the partial birth abortions, (in fact, I think it's reprehensible) but it's even more reprehensible to think that some asshole who knows nothing about being a woman gets to make a decision about something he knows nothing about. And it's not a religious issue. You can keep your religion and your politics out of my uterus. I know how I feel about God, and where I stand with Him and I don't need a bunch of people who are up on the religious high horse telling me what I can do with my body. And that's one thing, I won't let anyone try to talk to me about. That one, I'm adamant about. So don't even try. I mean, really, Sarah Palin wants to teach abstinence ONLY. Yeah, that's working so great for you isn't Sarah? How's the grandkid? Didn't you teach your daughter abstinence only? Maybe, just maybe, if she'd been taught about birth control, she and her boyfriend wouldn't be being forced (and I truly do feel like they're being forced) to get married and have a child when they're just children themselves? Birth control is NOT an evil thing. And yet, that's another thing republicans want to limit. I honestly don't understand why drug companies (backed by Republicans) won't pay for birth control yet Viagra is totally covered. They'll pay for a man to get a boner, but not for the woman he's fucking to keep from getting pregnant. You can read that here.
Alright, so there are other issues that are important to me, but honestly, these are the few that were the most important to me. Also, I have this theory, see, I like John McCain. If he'd picked anyone other than that vapid twit who is the most politically inept person EVER, I may have considered voting for him. But, here's the thing, John McCain is a super smart guy and I just had this thought, and I actually know other people have had this same thought, I think he wanted the Democrats to win. I think he wanted to lose so that the Democrats could take over and, hopefully, fix the mess that W and his cronies have left behind. There were so many, much more qualified candidates that he could've picked, and, if he really wanted to win, he would've picked one of them. So yeah. I'm sure that's not really what he did, but picking that idiot was what lost him votes and I think he knew it would.
Oh and you're more than welcome to say what you want, but I reserve the right to make fun of it, and post it in various threads such as my favorite thread in MS05. And, by posting links to your comments in there, you may be opening yourself up to a world of shit from members you've never even heard of before. It's up to you. I'm just stating my opinions.

it's just too bad his supporters thought it was okay to boo every time he said President Obama's name. He has class, his "friends" not so much.

I have hope now too!

yeah, but the best thing about him? He's not playing the race card. He's going to be a great President because he's a great guy. Not because he's black.

Just for the lulz!
W and his "no child left behind" bullshit have gypped my kids out of a true education. My kids get to learn what the standardized tests say. I'm just lucky that I wasn't in school during this time. I've never been good at taking tests and I would've failed miserably and therefore, cost my school funding. There is no reason why a kid, who isn't getting it, shouldn't be held back so they can learn it. Or have to go to summer school. There's also no reason that my kids shouldn't learn, from some personal experience about different things. However, they can't now because, unfortunately, those personal stories they'd hear aren't on "the tests". They're getting screwed and I wish they could get a true education. Obama has a plan to change that policy and I believe the change will be for the better. If you don't, that's your right, and if you're not bothered by the policy in place now, that's also your right, however, it's important to me and to my children and Obama's plan gives me hope that my kids will start to get a true education other than the one I'm trying to provide at home. it gives teachers the go ahead to actually start teaching kids again instead of just droning on about the asshole tests.
Here you go.
Ooooh, this one's a doozy, however, those of you who are complaining about it, I just can't help but think you don't understand it. We're being taxed up to our eyeballs. Obama is not saying that those in a higher income bracket will pick up the slack for everyone. Hell, he's even planning on cutting taxes for the small business owners who think they're going to end up supporting every welfare case around. Hey, Joe the Plumber, you don't like the policy because "someday you hope to make more than $250K" what? You mean, you're arguing a policy that doesn't even affect you and may never end up affecting you. Smooth. Now, to the rest of you, did you not notice where, with Obama's plan, all taxes would be cut? Or, how most of the tax hikes would be for big business? You know, those people who are, right now, under this president, getting so many tax cuts that they may as well not be paying taxes at all? Do you really think that, just because you make more money than most of the rest of the country that you are somehow above paying taxes? If taxes were based on a percentage solely on your income, you'd all be BROKE by now under the current regime. Because you are the ones getting screwed under the Republicans plans. You know how? Because the middle and lower classes can't pay and the upper class doesn't have to. That leaves you, the upper middle class ($250K and more) to pick up all the slack. Yeah, you're getting more screwed by those that you're supporting than you would be with those you're fighting so hard against.
You can read about that here.
Honestly, this one is kind of a no brainer. If you think about it, how hard would it be to have a system in place that ensures that people have health care coverage? Canada has one. The UK has one, even Mexico has one. Yeah, you'll hear them complain about waiting in lines but shit, is that any different than your regular, run of the mill Dr. office now? Shit, I make an appt. for 10am and I'm lucky to get in by 11am. What about the family whose job doesn't offer insurance, they've got small kids and one of them gets an ear infection. They have to go to an ER or a clinic, wait forever and then, they're lucky if the clinic agrees to bill them and doesn't make them pay upfront before they're seen. You see, not all employers provide access to health care and you know what else? They don't have to. Offering health care can put a small business out of business so, they get the option of Barack Obama's health care plan. Problem solved. Am I saying that nobody should have to pay for medical services? No, but shit there are millions of children without coverage. Who's going to protect them if not us? Besides, insurance companies are just greedy bastards who want to make the most money possible and give the least amount of help. extra, extra, read all about it.
Seriously, I think this is one issue that both parties agree on but they just want to go about it in different ways. Let's secure the borders, let's make it so people don't have to be scared to come here. America is the Land of the Free, and people know it, so they sneak over here, blend in and then, take the jobs that "no one else wants" That doesn't make it okay, make them pay taxes on their income. There will always be people working under the table etc. but to have full businesses running by paying illegals paltry sums, in abhorrent conditions, no thank you. And let's not forget, a lot of the businesses running like that are the big business people who are only thinking of profit. You know, the ones who are getting tax breaks right now. And, if they're not running it that way, they're outsourcing to other countries. Yeah, that's helping our lower class. They can't even get jobs because the jobs they could/would do, are being done for a lot less money over seas. For paltry sums. In abhorrent conditions.
Here ya go.
It's my body, it's my choice. If you don't like it, I don't care. You can't tell me not to get tattoos, you can't tell me what I can or can't do with my body, so why the hell would you try to tell me what I can do with my reproductive organs? Who the hell gave you the right to make decisions for me? I may not agree with the partial birth abortions, (in fact, I think it's reprehensible) but it's even more reprehensible to think that some asshole who knows nothing about being a woman gets to make a decision about something he knows nothing about. And it's not a religious issue. You can keep your religion and your politics out of my uterus. I know how I feel about God, and where I stand with Him and I don't need a bunch of people who are up on the religious high horse telling me what I can do with my body. And that's one thing, I won't let anyone try to talk to me about. That one, I'm adamant about. So don't even try. I mean, really, Sarah Palin wants to teach abstinence ONLY. Yeah, that's working so great for you isn't Sarah? How's the grandkid? Didn't you teach your daughter abstinence only? Maybe, just maybe, if she'd been taught about birth control, she and her boyfriend wouldn't be being forced (and I truly do feel like they're being forced) to get married and have a child when they're just children themselves? Birth control is NOT an evil thing. And yet, that's another thing republicans want to limit. I honestly don't understand why drug companies (backed by Republicans) won't pay for birth control yet Viagra is totally covered. They'll pay for a man to get a boner, but not for the woman he's fucking to keep from getting pregnant. You can read that here.
Alright, so there are other issues that are important to me, but honestly, these are the few that were the most important to me. Also, I have this theory, see, I like John McCain. If he'd picked anyone other than that vapid twit who is the most politically inept person EVER, I may have considered voting for him. But, here's the thing, John McCain is a super smart guy and I just had this thought, and I actually know other people have had this same thought, I think he wanted the Democrats to win. I think he wanted to lose so that the Democrats could take over and, hopefully, fix the mess that W and his cronies have left behind. There were so many, much more qualified candidates that he could've picked, and, if he really wanted to win, he would've picked one of them. So yeah. I'm sure that's not really what he did, but picking that idiot was what lost him votes and I think he knew it would.
Oh and you're more than welcome to say what you want, but I reserve the right to make fun of it, and post it in various threads such as my favorite thread in MS05. And, by posting links to your comments in there, you may be opening yourself up to a world of shit from members you've never even heard of before. It's up to you. I'm just stating my opinions.

it's just too bad his supporters thought it was okay to boo every time he said President Obama's name. He has class, his "friends" not so much.

I have hope now too!

yeah, but the best thing about him? He's not playing the race card. He's going to be a great President because he's a great guy. Not because he's black.

Just for the lulz!
The great debate...to trade our's up or keep them.
what will you be doing for the youngin's birthday?
The shower was pretty good.