People like that guy are fucked up. I'm glad those kids were there.

If I was there, it'd be me whistling that shit.

I missed the debate so I have no idea what the deal is behind this picture but it's pretty effin' funny.

You know it's gotta be bad when some crazy asses kill themselves to go "home" on a comet look more "sane" than a full on "Religion" right? L. Ron FTW!

Yes, yes he did!

When I saw this picture, all I could think of was Ivan Drago in Rocky IV saying "I must break you". Poor widdle baby shwicken. (and don't ask me the deal with the word shwicken, it involves a lot of beer and a joint or two and a bunch of fools in beauty school.)
All pictures taken from here. it's really hilariously awesome.
*cry* I really really wish I was.
I love that site