Ahhhh, tis the weekend and there's so much to do but we're going to have a little party instead! My mom bought the kids a pretty good size blow up pool and they're anxiously waiting for it to fill right now. We're going to repot all of my plants today too and then just spend the rest of the day cleaning things up so people can come and hang out tonight. You're all invited by the way if you'd like!
Thursday Emily turned 8 and yesterday was feerlessfreddy's and my anniversary. We're going to go out and celebrate that tomorrow though. After unknowirock's daughter's first birthday party. May is a pretty busy month around here but it's good.
I found out yesterday that the kid's new school will be year round. I'm not sure how I feel about it but I can't change it. It really doesn't bug me though since I stay home with them and now I won't have to find something for them to do for 3 months lol. Besides, I think year round school is better for planning vacations. Actually, it won't really matter much longer anyway since this is Allison's last year in elementary school. eh
All of our furniture is now here. The dresser that was missing from our bedroom set was delivered yesterday so now, all that's really left is hanging pix and putting up knick knacks etc.
Okay, I'm off to check the level of the pool. Have a great weekend.

Thursday Emily turned 8 and yesterday was feerlessfreddy's and my anniversary. We're going to go out and celebrate that tomorrow though. After unknowirock's daughter's first birthday party. May is a pretty busy month around here but it's good.
I found out yesterday that the kid's new school will be year round. I'm not sure how I feel about it but I can't change it. It really doesn't bug me though since I stay home with them and now I won't have to find something for them to do for 3 months lol. Besides, I think year round school is better for planning vacations. Actually, it won't really matter much longer anyway since this is Allison's last year in elementary school. eh

All of our furniture is now here. The dresser that was missing from our bedroom set was delivered yesterday so now, all that's really left is hanging pix and putting up knick knacks etc.
Okay, I'm off to check the level of the pool. Have a great weekend.
& hugs
glad everythings finally getting sorted out in the new house.
happy birthday to your daugter, hope she had a good day and happy anniversary to you two.