I "borrowed" this from the lovely dmac very funny and thought I'd share it with those of you who might not've been able to see it from her. It's very funny. Well, to me anyway.
Thanks everyone for the nice welcome back. It's certainly been interesting trying to deal with all the troubles of a new house. Apparently, someone thought it was a good idea to cut the cables in the wall so, for now, I have a nice hole in the side of my garage so the cable guy could FINALLY hook it all up. Oh well, small price to pay to get back online and back at SG. *Besides, the drywall guy is going to be here today to fix it anyway and I won't see it because I've still got boxes all over the garage so the hole is the least of my worries lol.
YAY~ My mommy is coming to visit me today! She's going to help me unpack and get things together. Also, we're going to get some curtains up. Just in case you're wondering, we have none right now so the construction workers building the houses behind us are VERY FAMILIAR with me now! Thank God I don't know them or I'd be very embarassed since they can see right in my windows and into my shower! We're getting some privacy Solar Screens sometime this week too but the curtains will be nice if only for decorative purposes! I'm just really excited about seeing my mom. I'm not sure how excited feerlessfreddy is about her visit but hey, not everyone has to love their mother in law right? I actually think they get along pretty well. You know, unless he's not telling me something
My younger daughter will be 8 tomorrow. I can't believe it! It's strange how fast the time goes. (unless you're waiting for the damn cable guy!) She's so excited. We're getting her a new bike. She doesn't know that yet but that's what we're doing. Also having a party for her here on Saturday. Not many people will be here though since we live so damn far from everyone now. We're completely at the north end of town now and they still go to school more centrally. It's a 17.6 mile drive to their school each morning. Then again in the afternoon. (unless Dad picks them up) I can't wait for the school year to be over lol.
My son is now totally potty trained! YEAH! No more pullups or anything. And, he's sleeping in his own bed now too instead of MINE!!!
My oldest daughter (who's 10) might be getting her stories published. OMG! Her teacher talked to me yesterday and wanted to know if she could take her stories to an artist she knows, have them illustrated and try to publish them. Wow! She's excited too. I guess it's just an exciting time around here huh?
Yeah, I've rambled enough for now and besides, I have a garage full of boxes yelling at me to come and unpack them so I'll go for now! I just wanted to thank you all for the lovely welcome back wishes and say YAY! glad to be back! (((((HUGS))))) and
Thanks everyone for the nice welcome back. It's certainly been interesting trying to deal with all the troubles of a new house. Apparently, someone thought it was a good idea to cut the cables in the wall so, for now, I have a nice hole in the side of my garage so the cable guy could FINALLY hook it all up. Oh well, small price to pay to get back online and back at SG. *Besides, the drywall guy is going to be here today to fix it anyway and I won't see it because I've still got boxes all over the garage so the hole is the least of my worries lol.
YAY~ My mommy is coming to visit me today! She's going to help me unpack and get things together. Also, we're going to get some curtains up. Just in case you're wondering, we have none right now so the construction workers building the houses behind us are VERY FAMILIAR with me now! Thank God I don't know them or I'd be very embarassed since they can see right in my windows and into my shower! We're getting some privacy Solar Screens sometime this week too but the curtains will be nice if only for decorative purposes! I'm just really excited about seeing my mom. I'm not sure how excited feerlessfreddy is about her visit but hey, not everyone has to love their mother in law right? I actually think they get along pretty well. You know, unless he's not telling me something

My younger daughter will be 8 tomorrow. I can't believe it! It's strange how fast the time goes. (unless you're waiting for the damn cable guy!) She's so excited. We're getting her a new bike. She doesn't know that yet but that's what we're doing. Also having a party for her here on Saturday. Not many people will be here though since we live so damn far from everyone now. We're completely at the north end of town now and they still go to school more centrally. It's a 17.6 mile drive to their school each morning. Then again in the afternoon. (unless Dad picks them up) I can't wait for the school year to be over lol.
My son is now totally potty trained! YEAH! No more pullups or anything. And, he's sleeping in his own bed now too instead of MINE!!!
My oldest daughter (who's 10) might be getting her stories published. OMG! Her teacher talked to me yesterday and wanted to know if she could take her stories to an artist she knows, have them illustrated and try to publish them. Wow! She's excited too. I guess it's just an exciting time around here huh?
Yeah, I've rambled enough for now and besides, I have a garage full of boxes yelling at me to come and unpack them so I'll go for now! I just wanted to thank you all for the lovely welcome back wishes and say YAY! glad to be back! (((((HUGS))))) and

Mom visits... Heh. Fearless can com visit me while she's there.
Ariane turns 8 in a few months!!
Curtains shmurtains. Give them a show.
That is all..
again you have made me blush....
but you know whta?? i might form my own a-team and you would have to be in it with me..ok??
and you are the rockingest of them all, so there x x x