We're getting ready to go furniture shopping and I'm totally excited about it. feerlessfreddy and I are going to get a bedroom set and I'm really excited about that. When we lived in our old house, we NEVER did anything to our bedroom. It was just a plain old room. We didn't even have a bed, just mattresses on a frame. We're both pretty excited about doing our room this time. We've found a couple of rooms of furniture we really want so today we're going to look around and see if anything else catches our eye. We also need to get a living room/ dining room combo too. But I think we're kind of already sold on one set. We did see a set of leather couches in "Acid green" yesterday that we both just loved on site but it takes a certain kind of dedication to have that color be a focal point in a room. I could see that color driving me nuts in a month or so. I mean, it's fine for my wallet *which happens to be that very color* but couches? Yeah, NO! Anyway, so we're going to look again at the original set we liked and see if anything else pops out at us. I can tell you this, the bedroom set we're interested in has a leather headboard and footboard so it'll be easy to clean
<<that's actually kind of close to the color of the couches only "BRIGHTER"
So, my son is going to be a musician. I just know it. This kid, at 3 years old can sing just about every song on the American Idiot CD, he sings Dirty Little Secret from The All American Rejects, he sings all of The Doors greatest hits and so on and so on. My middle daughter can do the same thing and soon, she'll be getting back to her guitar lessons so maybe they'll be in a band together. Hey, like the Jackson 5 only cooler lol. And, you know, not 5 kids.
I need a good site to DL music from. I don't want to have to buy CD after CD just for one or two songs but I refuse to put Kazaa on my computer again since it's crashed 2 now. I'm just not taking that chance again. Anyone know a good one? I suppose I could just go to i-Tunes or something and pay for them but how do I know I don't want the whole cd? I guess I'll just have to go to a music store and listen to the CD and see if I want to buy it. I want Dirty Little Secret, but I don't know if the whole cd is worth it for that one song. I want Had a Bad Day but I don't know if the whole Daniel Powter CD is worth buying, I want You're Beautiful but I don't know if I want to pay for a whole CD for that one song. See my dilemma? BTW the Beautiful song, is my ringtone and whenever I hear my phone ring it makes me feel nice. I know, I'm a dork but it's good to hear it, even if it is from my ringing phone
I finished reading Angels & Demons last night and OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I could go on and on about that book until my face turned blue but instead I will just say this... READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY! I have to say, and I didn't think I'd say this about any book for a long time but, I liked it even better than The DaVinci Code and I freakin' loved that book. I'm pretty certain I'm going to have to buy some more Dan Brown books! I'm going to start reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail now and then, I'm going to reread my Dark Tower books. I never finished all seven books and now, I have them all and can read them one after another and it'll be cool to finish them and not have to wait for the next release. I have all seven of them in a bag right by my desk. I got them off of Craigs List from a guy that was moving and just getting rid of everything.
The house is going to be ready by Wednesday when we walk through again and we'll get our keys and set our locks when we're done with the walk through. YAY! I'm going to call Starving Students movers and have them come and move us this weekend. I also have to call our water softener guy and have him install our softener this week too. YAY! Uhhhmmm Yeah, I'm a bit excited about the new house in case you hadn't noticed. Anyway, sorry for the novel. *it must be all the reading I've been doing lately. It's inspired me lol.* Anyway, if you've made it this far in my epic journal entry, thank you for staying and here's a (((((((HUG))))))) and a couple of
to thank you for putting up with my long ass journal! Have a great week!

So, my son is going to be a musician. I just know it. This kid, at 3 years old can sing just about every song on the American Idiot CD, he sings Dirty Little Secret from The All American Rejects, he sings all of The Doors greatest hits and so on and so on. My middle daughter can do the same thing and soon, she'll be getting back to her guitar lessons so maybe they'll be in a band together. Hey, like the Jackson 5 only cooler lol. And, you know, not 5 kids.
I need a good site to DL music from. I don't want to have to buy CD after CD just for one or two songs but I refuse to put Kazaa on my computer again since it's crashed 2 now. I'm just not taking that chance again. Anyone know a good one? I suppose I could just go to i-Tunes or something and pay for them but how do I know I don't want the whole cd? I guess I'll just have to go to a music store and listen to the CD and see if I want to buy it. I want Dirty Little Secret, but I don't know if the whole cd is worth it for that one song. I want Had a Bad Day but I don't know if the whole Daniel Powter CD is worth buying, I want You're Beautiful but I don't know if I want to pay for a whole CD for that one song. See my dilemma? BTW the Beautiful song, is my ringtone and whenever I hear my phone ring it makes me feel nice. I know, I'm a dork but it's good to hear it, even if it is from my ringing phone

I finished reading Angels & Demons last night and OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I could go on and on about that book until my face turned blue but instead I will just say this... READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY! I have to say, and I didn't think I'd say this about any book for a long time but, I liked it even better than The DaVinci Code and I freakin' loved that book. I'm pretty certain I'm going to have to buy some more Dan Brown books! I'm going to start reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail now and then, I'm going to reread my Dark Tower books. I never finished all seven books and now, I have them all and can read them one after another and it'll be cool to finish them and not have to wait for the next release. I have all seven of them in a bag right by my desk. I got them off of Craigs List from a guy that was moving and just getting rid of everything.
The house is going to be ready by Wednesday when we walk through again and we'll get our keys and set our locks when we're done with the walk through. YAY! I'm going to call Starving Students movers and have them come and move us this weekend. I also have to call our water softener guy and have him install our softener this week too. YAY! Uhhhmmm Yeah, I'm a bit excited about the new house in case you hadn't noticed. Anyway, sorry for the novel. *it must be all the reading I've been doing lately. It's inspired me lol.* Anyway, if you've made it this far in my epic journal entry, thank you for staying and here's a (((((((HUG))))))) and a couple of

also love your beautiful and bought the cd for that, it was worth it too.