My son does NOT want to let me clean his ear. He does NOT want to take the antibiotics for his ear. He does NOT want me to look at his ear. So, I've had to resort to telling him (keep in mind that he's 3 so he won't listen to reason yet) "If you don't take your medicine for your ear, I'll have to scrub it with soap and water" He then calmly says "ok Mommy, I will take my medicine so you don't have to put soap on my ear" I know, it's mean but I gotta do it to get him to take his medicine. I'd hate to see it get infected and all nasty and need surgery. My poor boy. It seems like he's bumping into it all the time too. I'm sure he was just as clumsy before but now it's magnified because of the fact that he has stitches. I have to take a pic of it now that it's all stitched and add it to the gnarly photos already in there. Yeah, I'm a bit sick right? He likes looking at the pix of it anyway. "Mom mom, dat my monster ear" Yeah baby, that's it....
Today is the walkthrough at the new house. I hope I find a way to enjoy this next couple of weeks moving in and getting set up in the new house. I haven't enjoyed anything lately and it's taking it's toll on my family. I'm being so bitchy lately. Of course, I won't take all the blame, others around me have been bitchy too so I won't take all the glory in this one. It just seems like it's easier for people to say it's all me than to look at the fact that they might not be being so "pleasant" either. I just hate that I'm in such a funk lately that I'm not able to be excited about the walk through today. Instead, I'm worried that something is going to be really wrong at the house and we'll have to stay in this horrid apartment even longer.
I'm sure it'll be great and everything will be looking up soon. Have a great day.
Today is the walkthrough at the new house. I hope I find a way to enjoy this next couple of weeks moving in and getting set up in the new house. I haven't enjoyed anything lately and it's taking it's toll on my family. I'm being so bitchy lately. Of course, I won't take all the blame, others around me have been bitchy too so I won't take all the glory in this one. It just seems like it's easier for people to say it's all me than to look at the fact that they might not be being so "pleasant" either. I just hate that I'm in such a funk lately that I'm not able to be excited about the walk through today. Instead, I'm worried that something is going to be really wrong at the house and we'll have to stay in this horrid apartment even longer.
I'm sure it'll be great and everything will be looking up soon. Have a great day.

and you were right, the baby group was great...I made a friiiieeend
how you doin??? hope you are all well and that life is good for you all....
my back is killng me so i can only rock to a level 7 today which is really annoying me.........
oh well, i'll crank it up over the next few days......
i bow to your greatness...........