I've come to the conclusion that feerlessfreddy is married to a bitch. Yeah, I realize that I'm his wife so you get that I'm talking about me. I've been so bitchy lately. I'm pretty sure it has to do with this horrid little apartment but I refuse to blame all of my mental issues on this place. It shouldn't matter where we live. It's not like I didn't live in worse places growing up or anything but DAMN I hate this place. I can't believe he'd want to be in the same room with me much less the same bed. I know I wouldn't want to be around me the way I've been acting lately. I might need to have them put me on new meds for my "crazy" and see if that helps. I'm just on edge so much and so tired of tripping over everyone and everything in this place. I just want 3 minutes for myself and can't have that. I actually got that this weekend but I was so tired that I slept instead of getting lost in my thoughts or my book.
I'm reading The DaVinci Code. I just started it and am really trying to work out extra time so I can read it. I'm only on chapter 6 and I already don't want to put it down. I want to read it before I go see the movie though. I know I shouldn't because I'm always dissappointed in movie adaptations of books. The only movie I've seen that really follows the books is the Harry Potter series. And they have to leave a bunch of stuff out. I'm always super pissed at the movies but I think I want to see it anyway. I decided a long time ago to watch the movie then read the book and it works better for me so I'm not so dissappointed in the movie but, with this one, I want to make sure I have to book read first. I've already got a mental picture of Tom Hanks as the main character since I know that's who he's playing in the movie so it makes it kind of weird. Oh well, maybe I should've read it a couple years ago when it first came out, then I'd get to make all the mental pix I want. That's the best thing about reading for me is coming up with my own ideas of what the characters look like, the scenery etc. John Grisham books make the worst movies. The writing is so great that the movies always dissappoint. Steven King is the perfect writer to have his books turned into movies. Even if it's a craptacular mini series. Enough about that though, I just wanted you to know that I was reading The Da Vinci Code. *like your life will be better for knowing that right?
Anyway, maybe later this week I'll be in a better mood and I might even post some pix of the new house. *if I get my camera dock set up. My brother in law was supposed to do it while he was here this weekend but that never happened. I'm sure it's easy enough to set up, I just don't want to do it wrong. I guess I should just do it anyway, I set up the computer when we moved here all by myself and THAT is a huge deal lol.
Have a good week all my lovelies.

I'm reading The DaVinci Code. I just started it and am really trying to work out extra time so I can read it. I'm only on chapter 6 and I already don't want to put it down. I want to read it before I go see the movie though. I know I shouldn't because I'm always dissappointed in movie adaptations of books. The only movie I've seen that really follows the books is the Harry Potter series. And they have to leave a bunch of stuff out. I'm always super pissed at the movies but I think I want to see it anyway. I decided a long time ago to watch the movie then read the book and it works better for me so I'm not so dissappointed in the movie but, with this one, I want to make sure I have to book read first. I've already got a mental picture of Tom Hanks as the main character since I know that's who he's playing in the movie so it makes it kind of weird. Oh well, maybe I should've read it a couple years ago when it first came out, then I'd get to make all the mental pix I want. That's the best thing about reading for me is coming up with my own ideas of what the characters look like, the scenery etc. John Grisham books make the worst movies. The writing is so great that the movies always dissappoint. Steven King is the perfect writer to have his books turned into movies. Even if it's a craptacular mini series. Enough about that though, I just wanted you to know that I was reading The Da Vinci Code. *like your life will be better for knowing that right?
Anyway, maybe later this week I'll be in a better mood and I might even post some pix of the new house. *if I get my camera dock set up. My brother in law was supposed to do it while he was here this weekend but that never happened. I'm sure it's easy enough to set up, I just don't want to do it wrong. I guess I should just do it anyway, I set up the computer when we moved here all by myself and THAT is a huge deal lol.
Have a good week all my lovelies.

Instead i got a very unpleasant bill, that scared the shit outta me.