I've been tagged by the lovely rosa so here goes
7 Things to do before I die:
1. skydive
2. play with my grandkids
3. learn to play an instrument
4. feel comfortable in my own skin
5. learn to speak another language
6. forgive people who have "wronged" me
7. apologize to people whom I have "wronged"
7 Things I cannot do:
1. play any instrument
2. speak a second (or third) language
3. touch my nose with my tongue
4. say the word statistics correctly
5. watch any kind of sappy movie, tv show etc, without crying like a baby.
6. read very well w/o my glasses on
7. come up with any more things I cannot do lol
7 Things that attract me to Alabama: (are you shittin' me, it's Alabama!)
1. uhhhhhhh warm weather?
2. I'd have a lot of learning to do and I love to learn new things
3. I like southern accents
4. uhhhhhhh it's not a desert
5. sweet tea
6. southern gentlemen
7. Hmmmmmm I bet they have good seafood there
(I really know NOTHING about Alabama so this one was really hard for me lol)
7 Things I say most often:
2. Shit
3. Fuck
4. Knock it off kids
5. I love you (insert kid or hubby name here)
6. No you can't
7 Books that I love:
1. Monkey Shines
2. Everything's Eventual
3. Sleeping With the Enemy
4. Harry Potter *all of them
5. I'll Love You Forever
6. Interview With a Vampire
7. The Firm
7 Seven movies I watch over & over again: (or would if I had time)
1. The Breakfast Club
2. Gladiator
3. Braveheart
4. Sixteen Candles
5. Pretty Woman
6. Titanic
7. Saving Private Ryan
Well I hate to do it, but I gotta tag 7 other ppl
Min Lori_ red_vinyl Rock_Starry JustAShadow
ps on anothr note, we're finally moved into the apartment and slowly getting things unpacked. UGH IT's just a pain in the ass and we have to do it again in April. But, we do have the cable again so yay for computer access. Woo hoo! Have a good weekend lovelies.
7 Things to do before I die:
1. skydive
2. play with my grandkids
3. learn to play an instrument
4. feel comfortable in my own skin
5. learn to speak another language
6. forgive people who have "wronged" me
7. apologize to people whom I have "wronged"
7 Things I cannot do:
1. play any instrument
2. speak a second (or third) language
3. touch my nose with my tongue
4. say the word statistics correctly
5. watch any kind of sappy movie, tv show etc, without crying like a baby.
6. read very well w/o my glasses on
7. come up with any more things I cannot do lol
7 Things that attract me to Alabama: (are you shittin' me, it's Alabama!)
1. uhhhhhhh warm weather?
2. I'd have a lot of learning to do and I love to learn new things
3. I like southern accents
4. uhhhhhhh it's not a desert
5. sweet tea
6. southern gentlemen
7. Hmmmmmm I bet they have good seafood there
(I really know NOTHING about Alabama so this one was really hard for me lol)
7 Things I say most often:
2. Shit
3. Fuck
4. Knock it off kids
5. I love you (insert kid or hubby name here)
6. No you can't
7 Books that I love:
1. Monkey Shines
2. Everything's Eventual
3. Sleeping With the Enemy
4. Harry Potter *all of them
5. I'll Love You Forever
6. Interview With a Vampire
7. The Firm
7 Seven movies I watch over & over again: (or would if I had time)
1. The Breakfast Club
2. Gladiator
3. Braveheart
4. Sixteen Candles
5. Pretty Woman
6. Titanic
7. Saving Private Ryan
Well I hate to do it, but I gotta tag 7 other ppl
Min Lori_ red_vinyl Rock_Starry JustAShadow
ps on anothr note, we're finally moved into the apartment and slowly getting things unpacked. UGH IT's just a pain in the ass and we have to do it again in April. But, we do have the cable again so yay for computer access. Woo hoo! Have a good weekend lovelies.

happy anniversary!

when i was in high school, myself and a friend of mine always talked about moving out of our one horse town and going to alabama because it would be btter then where we were. lol