Well, we're a week away from moving into the apartment. Thank God we have the people coming to pack and move us. That's going to make things so much easier on me. I hate packing. I think we also decided to hire movers for when the new house is ready. Yay! The new owner did his walkthrough the other day and the things he wants done are so minimal. It'll maybe cost us $100 and there's so much more that he could've had us do but he didn't. This is an old house and lots of stuff is going wrong so we got off really easy.
All I really have left to do is transfer cable and utilities. Plus, we won't have to pay for water or gas in the apt. so that's going to save us some cash too. For a couple months anyway. I hope, when we get into the new house, that our utility bills will go down since the house is newer, insulated and has the energy efficient windows and appliances. Gas and power in this house are outrageous (depending on the season, they alternate.) I'm all excited though thinking about what we're going to do to decorate the new house and the things we're going to get to make it all pretty. Yay! I just wish we were moving directly into it instead of the apt. first but I'll chalk that up to 'one of those things you can't control' and leave it alone. Anyway, have a great weekend. I probably won't be on much next week since I do actually have to go through and get rid of much more stuff still. Hugs <3 K

Might have to try it....as soon as I can stand again.