Yay! we got an apartment today. I hate that we have to move twice but still it'll all be worth it once we move into the new house. I can't wait for that. But, until then, it's off to Alpine Village lol. I love how they name apartment complexes now. Make it sound like a resort and maybe we won't notice it's a crap hole lol. Oh well, I also ordered Vonage which will save us about $60 a month on the phone. I have to transfer utilities and cable and reserve the storage space and then, I get to kind of relax. Not really but it's a nice thought. We have the movers comng tomorrow to do an estimate on the move and then they're coming to pack us on the 16th and move us on the 17th. YAY!
On a sad note, I really hate Feb. 7th. It's the anniversary of the day my grandparents were killed by a drunk driver and I tried to keep busy to forget about it today and kind of not talk about it. I'm not really good at it. I was only 5 when they were killed and, sadly, don't have many memories of them but I do remember some things and it makes me really sad that my kids won't ever be able to know them. I just really hate that it's quiet enough right now for me to think about it though. I've been busy all day and hadn't though of it but, when I sat down to update and tell all the good things I did today, it kind of hit me. It's no fair. I know, I sound like a little tiny child but still, it's not. I'm going to sign off though and call my mom before she goes to bed. Have a good night. And, call your grandma if you can.
On a sad note, I really hate Feb. 7th. It's the anniversary of the day my grandparents were killed by a drunk driver and I tried to keep busy to forget about it today and kind of not talk about it. I'm not really good at it. I was only 5 when they were killed and, sadly, don't have many memories of them but I do remember some things and it makes me really sad that my kids won't ever be able to know them. I just really hate that it's quiet enough right now for me to think about it though. I've been busy all day and hadn't though of it but, when I sat down to update and tell all the good things I did today, it kind of hit me. It's no fair. I know, I sound like a little tiny child but still, it's not. I'm going to sign off though and call my mom before she goes to bed. Have a good night. And, call your grandma if you can.

drinking and driving is a dangerous thing .... good luck with the move .. I hate moving ..
hey thanks, hey this is one thing i never figured out, how do you hide most of your friends page? like how on yours.you only see the first few rows? i must be missing something