I used one of those Therma Care heat wraps yesterday and I felt like I was all better so I thought, "yeah, I can pick up Elijah in the stroller over this little fence instead of going around the school" Yeah, not a good idea. So, last night my back hurt so much it wasn't funny. UGH back to square one. Maybe the chiropracter has my referral today and they can get me an appointment soon.
Last night, Elijah was going through Star Wars lines in his sleep and got to a fight scene and started hitting me and Freddy. What the hell is that about lol. He kept going on and on and started yelling like Anakin in Epi. 3. He was going through the fight with Anaking and Obi Wan. Yelling "You will try" and "I hate you!!!!" I guess my son should join the Star Wars group on SG lol.
We have to go to a birthday party tonight at Chuck E Cheese. OMG I hate that place lol. I'll buy another Therma Care wrap though so I won't be so miserable while I'm there. Emily has Brownies tonight and then straight to the b-day party. Then Allison has girl scouts tomorrow night. Man, I'm going to be tired by Thursday.
So, we should find something out about the new house by today or tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I'm "cautiously optimistic" about it. If we get it, then that's great, if we don't, then I know there's something else out there for us ya know? I just have to keep that in mind. I love this house though. (I've loved almost every one we've looked at so far though)
I'm going to go to the mall sometime this week to apply for a job just for the holidays. I've been staying at home for almost 8 years now so I need to get out and talk to people. I'll probably apply at Torrid or Hot Topic. Somewhere that I won't have to take out my piercings etc. I'm going to get my eyebrow done soon. I've wanted it done for awhile now but paying bills comes before piercings lol. Damn bills! I just want to get out of the house for awhile and get some adult conversation. I need to deal with something other than diapers and homework lol. Wish me luck on that too.
<<<<<good vibes for the house and the job>>>>>
Last night, Elijah was going through Star Wars lines in his sleep and got to a fight scene and started hitting me and Freddy. What the hell is that about lol. He kept going on and on and started yelling like Anakin in Epi. 3. He was going through the fight with Anaking and Obi Wan. Yelling "You will try" and "I hate you!!!!" I guess my son should join the Star Wars group on SG lol.
We have to go to a birthday party tonight at Chuck E Cheese. OMG I hate that place lol. I'll buy another Therma Care wrap though so I won't be so miserable while I'm there. Emily has Brownies tonight and then straight to the b-day party. Then Allison has girl scouts tomorrow night. Man, I'm going to be tired by Thursday.
So, we should find something out about the new house by today or tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I'm "cautiously optimistic" about it. If we get it, then that's great, if we don't, then I know there's something else out there for us ya know? I just have to keep that in mind. I love this house though. (I've loved almost every one we've looked at so far though)
I'm going to go to the mall sometime this week to apply for a job just for the holidays. I've been staying at home for almost 8 years now so I need to get out and talk to people. I'll probably apply at Torrid or Hot Topic. Somewhere that I won't have to take out my piercings etc. I'm going to get my eyebrow done soon. I've wanted it done for awhile now but paying bills comes before piercings lol. Damn bills! I just want to get out of the house for awhile and get some adult conversation. I need to deal with something other than diapers and homework lol. Wish me luck on that too.
<<<<<good vibes for the house and the job>>>>>
Sorry to hear about your back....I can't believe that you tried to pick anything up much less something as heavy as a stroller with a chillun in it. Tryin to be all supermom and shit.
Man we had a party at CC when Ben was little....(he is almost 21 now) and I thought I was going to lose my mind. It wasn't my kids that were the problem but the kids that people let run loose and wild.
I hope that your referral comes in soon so you can go to the doc. Ol pop and crack can make ya feel mighty good sometimes.