my run was horrible. I made it to 8 miles and have nothing left. I feel exausted. It was so bad, I had to find the motivation to type this blog on my computer. Guess I'll be hitting the trails and tracks a little more this year. I've given up on the whole "It's not a gut, it's a fuel tank... cause I'm a sex machine" and "If you got a nice tool you should build a shed over it" cause they've never really worked for me. So I'm going to shed my winter coat the old / painful way. I gotta get my shit in order for tomorrow. I got Jiu-Jitsu in the morning, then the gym / boxing in the afternoon. Finally I'm going to go out and try to get myself a second job as a bouncer at one of the local bars. I fucking hate it when Monday dictates my Sundays'. Oh, well back to the grind. Laundry, shower, and dinner aren't going to wash, take or make themselves.
scooby doo: the next generation!