Well happy Airplane day everyone!!
Ok ok ok, Im not an incensitive asshole, I feel bad for all those who lost familys and what not, now that said, It should have been ICBMs. And thats only my opinion Im not forcing it on anyone else, just covering my ass thats all.
Since Im on the topic of being a dick, you know what state Im starting to hate beyond all belief, well not neccesarily the state, but well just alot of the people, Im sure there are lotsa nice people there but most of the people Ive ever had contact with from TEXAS are fucking retarded. Their such a huge group of egotistical assholes whom I cant even stand to be with for more than 5 minutes with out wanting to beat the front of their skulls in with the fat end of a pool que.
Too all you nice texas folks out there, Im sorry the majority of your state is a buncha cock biting fucktards, to all those retarded asshole texans out there, fuck you duche bags.
The new season of family guy is pretty funny, Im totally enjoying it right now, as I sit here at work eating my chinese food and watching tv. Yup Im back at work, its not like it was hard to do anyways.
Ok so I saw something tv toay which is totally cool looking, its the new Ipod Nano. Its smaller than the ipod, the ipod mini and way better than the ipod shuffle cause the shuffles a piece of shit. The nano is about the size of a mini but 1/4 its thickness.
More can be read about the new Ipod Nano here
That new movie with Nicolas Cage looks good.
Only a week till the Used concert, Im really pumped for that.
Its gona be such a good show. So....yeah thats all I really got.
Since I cant really think of anything else to say that makes me sound like a dick I think Im gona cut it short there....no wait hang on, here is a short list of people who can fuck off and die.
Dr. Phil
President Fucktard erm...George Bush
Oil Companys
Most of the Canadian governt
All of the American Government
The people responsbile for tuition raises at the UofS
50% of my campus
Gawkers from my work
Customers from my work
The list could go on but I'll keep it short,So all of you that Ive listed can eat shit, choke, fuck off and die. The earth would be better with out you.
Ok ok ok, Im not an incensitive asshole, I feel bad for all those who lost familys and what not, now that said, It should have been ICBMs. And thats only my opinion Im not forcing it on anyone else, just covering my ass thats all.
Since Im on the topic of being a dick, you know what state Im starting to hate beyond all belief, well not neccesarily the state, but well just alot of the people, Im sure there are lotsa nice people there but most of the people Ive ever had contact with from TEXAS are fucking retarded. Their such a huge group of egotistical assholes whom I cant even stand to be with for more than 5 minutes with out wanting to beat the front of their skulls in with the fat end of a pool que.
Too all you nice texas folks out there, Im sorry the majority of your state is a buncha cock biting fucktards, to all those retarded asshole texans out there, fuck you duche bags.
The new season of family guy is pretty funny, Im totally enjoying it right now, as I sit here at work eating my chinese food and watching tv. Yup Im back at work, its not like it was hard to do anyways.
Ok so I saw something tv toay which is totally cool looking, its the new Ipod Nano. Its smaller than the ipod, the ipod mini and way better than the ipod shuffle cause the shuffles a piece of shit. The nano is about the size of a mini but 1/4 its thickness.

More can be read about the new Ipod Nano here
That new movie with Nicolas Cage looks good.
Only a week till the Used concert, Im really pumped for that.
Its gona be such a good show. So....yeah thats all I really got.
Since I cant really think of anything else to say that makes me sound like a dick I think Im gona cut it short there....no wait hang on, here is a short list of people who can fuck off and die.
Dr. Phil
President Fucktard erm...George Bush
Oil Companys
Most of the Canadian governt
All of the American Government
The people responsbile for tuition raises at the UofS
50% of my campus
Gawkers from my work
Customers from my work
The list could go on but I'll keep it short,So all of you that Ive listed can eat shit, choke, fuck off and die. The earth would be better with out you.
and i totally agree with your list, but can we add "gawkers at Minx's store" to the list? and "people who gossip a lot about other people"? both of those catigories suck.
we totally need to hang out again sometime soon... like NOW!