Lets switch shit up for once. Instead of bitching and complaing about shit or spouting of my insane plans of how Im going to murder the next person who looks at my cock eyed, Im gona tell you guys a story!
The Story of the 3
Once apon a time, there lived 3 guys. Each of them walking a path of their own. Unbeknownst to each of them that there paths were to intertwine and they would follow one road together, a journey that would change them forever.
Our Characters of the story are as follows.


and finally, Ken

These 3 would coexist as roomates for a whole revolution around the sun. Their adventures they would have were litterally endless.
They ate when they were hungery

They drank when they were thirsty

They slept when they were tired

And they generally just acted like jackasses.

In time though, they would each go their seperate ways and follow their own paths once again.
That was years ago, and now, years later, their paths will intertwine once again and they will have to work together to survive their new adventure....when the story of the 3 picks up and continues with our hereos venturing to the UK on atripof doom! Comming to you, summer of 2007.
Will our cast of characters be able to survive their journey?
Will there be a new love intrest for one of our heroes?
Will binge drinking in a british pub kill off one of the 3?
Only time will tell, Keep your eyes open for The story of the 3 part 2! Coming summer of 2007
(photos used in this teaser are property of Crack co resources, copy right 2003-2007)
The Story of the 3
Once apon a time, there lived 3 guys. Each of them walking a path of their own. Unbeknownst to each of them that there paths were to intertwine and they would follow one road together, a journey that would change them forever.
Our Characters of the story are as follows.


and finally, Ken

These 3 would coexist as roomates for a whole revolution around the sun. Their adventures they would have were litterally endless.
They ate when they were hungery

They drank when they were thirsty

They slept when they were tired

And they generally just acted like jackasses.

In time though, they would each go their seperate ways and follow their own paths once again.
That was years ago, and now, years later, their paths will intertwine once again and they will have to work together to survive their new adventure....when the story of the 3 picks up and continues with our hereos venturing to the UK on atripof doom! Comming to you, summer of 2007.
Will our cast of characters be able to survive their journey?
Will there be a new love intrest for one of our heroes?
Will binge drinking in a british pub kill off one of the 3?
Only time will tell, Keep your eyes open for The story of the 3 part 2! Coming summer of 2007
(photos used in this teaser are property of Crack co resources, copy right 2003-2007)
What a great trailer for what should be an awesome adventure. I can't wait for part 2. 

I'm in fro beer and murderous rampage sometime. I need to see more interesting people. Not just myself.