So on saturday (11) afternoon I traveled over kilometer underground. I rode a shaft elavator 3300+ feet underground into a potash mine to have a tour of their working. We spent ours travelling all over the mine follow road after red dusty road. We must have travelled I dont know how many fucking miles but it was an insane experiance.
They gave us helmets and goggles and masks and we got flash lights and emergency airsupplys too.
We got to explore a rather vast chunk of the mine. It was dusty as you wouldnt believe with dust and dirt and salt in the air. It burned my pores when I first set foot off the elavator. I eventually got used to it and it wasnt so bad. I was shown how lots of the mining equiptment works including the miner itself, which is this huge massive rock chewing maching. We got to rip around in this whicked jeep wagon dealy and it was just a kicken good time. All I can say is that it was freaking amazing, in one tunnel we killed all our lights just to experiance the insane unforgiving darkness that a pitch black tunnel can yield. It was very very dark! I cant say its the kinda place I would work at myself but it was kick ass cool getting to check it out.
See for yourself.

Upon arriving at the base of the shaft after a 3 minute + elavator ride underground.

Our super sweet ride, this thing could go through hell and back, and probly there and back again!
Notice the grooves in the wall? alot of the walls and cieling looked like that down there.

Im standing infront of a mining machine, it eats up rock, and would probly grind me into a dead bloody gory fucking mess. Luckily, its not turned on. We are actually standing on a rock ledge infront of it. The rock miner itself is probly 7 or 8 feet high.

Jeez with a picture like this you'd think we'd fuckin work there or something.
All in all it was a fun time, I can still sorta taste the dust and potash, Ive showered twice since but dont think I'll be rid of it just yet. And for absolutly no reason at all, here is a picture of some alpacas we passed on our way to the mine.

They gave us helmets and goggles and masks and we got flash lights and emergency airsupplys too.
We got to explore a rather vast chunk of the mine. It was dusty as you wouldnt believe with dust and dirt and salt in the air. It burned my pores when I first set foot off the elavator. I eventually got used to it and it wasnt so bad. I was shown how lots of the mining equiptment works including the miner itself, which is this huge massive rock chewing maching. We got to rip around in this whicked jeep wagon dealy and it was just a kicken good time. All I can say is that it was freaking amazing, in one tunnel we killed all our lights just to experiance the insane unforgiving darkness that a pitch black tunnel can yield. It was very very dark! I cant say its the kinda place I would work at myself but it was kick ass cool getting to check it out.
See for yourself.

Upon arriving at the base of the shaft after a 3 minute + elavator ride underground.

Our super sweet ride, this thing could go through hell and back, and probly there and back again!
Notice the grooves in the wall? alot of the walls and cieling looked like that down there.

Im standing infront of a mining machine, it eats up rock, and would probly grind me into a dead bloody gory fucking mess. Luckily, its not turned on. We are actually standing on a rock ledge infront of it. The rock miner itself is probly 7 or 8 feet high.

Jeez with a picture like this you'd think we'd fuckin work there or something.
All in all it was a fun time, I can still sorta taste the dust and potash, Ive showered twice since but dont think I'll be rid of it just yet. And for absolutly no reason at all, here is a picture of some alpacas we passed on our way to the mine.

I can show ya some pics from up here if ya want, It's a lot different than the potash mines. Also right now it is just a dirty radioactive swimming pool as it's that Uranium mine that flooded that you may have seen in the news. I work in the office thouogh so I'm still workin
I''ve been spelunking before, and that's creepier, because there you're just climbing around in caves, not man made tunnels.