well, last night was a little emberassing
i feel like a moron for actually letting my feelings out.
i dont think ill be drinking again for a while. and i think everyone that has to deal with me when im drunk is cool, and will be happy when they hear i wont be making an asshole out of myself.
all i can say is im done.
with alcohol, with listening, with people
with myself, with money, with jobs
im done with everything.
~Current Music~
I Hate Myself- Polar Bear Summer
i feel like a moron for actually letting my feelings out.

i dont think ill be drinking again for a while. and i think everyone that has to deal with me when im drunk is cool, and will be happy when they hear i wont be making an asshole out of myself.
all i can say is im done.
with alcohol, with listening, with people
with myself, with money, with jobs
im done with everything.
~Current Music~
I Hate Myself- Polar Bear Summer