Here is another Columbus related person.
Conn Baker is buried in Union Cemetery here in Columbus. He is buried in what I call old Union. The cemetery is actually split into two parts. The older cemetery on Olentangy River Road by Ackerman. New Union is on Olentangy River Road by East North Broadway. Depending on what date you are willing to go by, there are two dates in which Union started. First burial occurred in 1806 when Balser Hess, a revolutinary war veteran died and was buried on his property. The proper cemetery founding is 1849. Union bought the property on Olentangy near East North Broadway in 1948, with the first burial in that part in the 1950's.
Conn Baker was part of the Sells Brothers (more correctly, the Sells/Forepaugh circus) with his bicycle act. As Diavolo (italian for devil), he would Loop The Loop on a bicycle. He would wear a devil costume. Baker married Laura Calvert who at one point was part of the Tiller Girls dance troupe. Baker bought the David Beers cabin from 1805 and moved it Norwich Avenue. The Beers cabin is the oldest residence in Franklin county.
Conn Baker doing the Loop The Loop.
Conn Baker hanging out at Lookout Mountain around 1900.