so my dream consisted of rob zombie and i playing made up pirate games in a park on one of those spinning around wheelie things hehe
that was great

happy birthday!
Mine was complicated; I was on a plane flying to Vancouver Island and I met this girl named Sarah who happened to look exactly like the girl in The Exorcism of Emily Rose, and we were talking and stuff, then these jerks sat next to us and started making all this nosie and being penis faces, so we moved but then they got in this fight and spilled mushrooms everywhere, and the pilot got mad, but they blamed Sarah and I so when we landed to refuel in hawaii(?) he kicked us off the plane, and we were stuck in hawaii. But it was ok, because mevsyou lived there and we hung out at his place, but then we went shopping and I lost track of Sarah, so I went back to mevsyou's place and she'd been there but wasn't anymore. Then I woke up.