ugh... one of those days. 10 minutes and it will be the next one.
ever heard the saying it takes two to have a relationship, 3 to have politics? sometimes i feel like the politics are the worst and most intense with just 3.
ever heard the saying it takes two to have a relationship, 3 to have politics? sometimes i feel like the politics are the worst and most intense with just 3.

Well, today, I got mad shit done... no slacking, except for the gym which was sacrificed to do a bunch of other shit that had been laggin behind... I built my kitchen table I bought, with a few errors, but hey, it works. I will fix them when I get a drill... haha.
I also built two night tables for my bedroom, now maybe my cd player can stop being tossed on the floor when I am done listening to it to fall asleep!
And I hooked up new monitor to my Mac, which is my other cpu I use for music... 19" flat screen! I have been rocking a 13" crapolla screen for 2-3 years... this one is awesome.
Now, if I can make myself wash these dishes and mop the floor... I will be very impressed with myself!!