wow. last night we saw grupo corpo and they were so unbelievably HOT! my friend's awesome observation was "you know how they say you only use about 10% of your brain? same must be true for your body!" the first hour was the piece lecuona--danced to music by the namesake. all short pieces inspired by ballroom, but with wonderful brazilian influence: humor, passion, style, and damn, were they erotic.
the second piece was more abstract, and more afro-cuban, with elements from capoiera (sp?)
i wish i could go all three nights... made me want to dance. it would be so amazing to be able to dance like that, especially with somebody.

the second piece was more abstract, and more afro-cuban, with elements from capoiera (sp?)
i wish i could go all three nights... made me want to dance. it would be so amazing to be able to dance like that, especially with somebody.
happy birthday friend!
Downtown Chicago - belmont and clark! -good times