long time no updates. new city, new digs, new job. lots going on but not much happening.

i need to get out more, but everyone at work is married with kids, or stays in to play video games all night. bleh.
woah! you need to make some local friends!

edit: (like me)
Thanx for your nice comment about my set. I'm so happy you loved it. kiss
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! eeek
Return of the King extended cut is awesome. World of Warcraft is awesome. Life doesn't suck that bad, and there is always SG smile
DAoC sucks ass now. The community has gone to crap, and isn't worth my time. Hopefully the WoW beta/retail will be out soon, cuz i need a new mmorpg.

Dugeon Siege:LoA was pretty good, nothing spectacular though. CS:Source is the same old game, just newer looking maps. and honestly the maps still need to be redone as they look like the same old maps but...
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