Have you ever noticed the people who get out of the cars with the magnetic ribbons on the back? If you haven't, listen to the things they say. These people are the majority. They decide the future of our country. Democrazy is dead. Army of one indeed.
And it's not just Fox News, or Sean Hannity, or the wonders of the Bush Jihad. It's something that's been with this country for years and years. Trading beads and murder for land. We live on pools of blood.
Watch the flowers bloom. Tell me there's a god, and show me the strings he pulls.
We are the big brother to the world, because we know so much. Homeless? No problem. Not Christian? We can work with that. Brown? Welcome to the fun world of radiation sickness.
But hey, don't be down friend. Just wave that flag, pump that gas, and stay tuned for these commercials.
And sure, religion has a lot to do with it. Hell, it has to do with most problems on the planet. But what is the core of religion? Ego? Maybe. Control? Probably.
Exploitation of a society through fear and threats. Just imagine a world where no one believed in a god? How many wars would not have happened. Sure, some still would have. But a lot would have been avoided.
Of course, there is always something that can replace religion. After God lost his approval in the polls during the 60's and 70's, oh look, it's AIDS! OH! Better not fuck around! AIDS is rampant! OH GOD SAVE US!!! I will only fuck someone I have been married to! That way we can both be checked out by doctors! And have a contractual agreement to make sure we don't get it from someone else! OH! And the Holy Government can watch over us and make sure we are safe. Marriage. Yeah, that works.
In the words of our fore-fathers : "Let's get the fuck out of here"
Stop blaming movies while you launch missiles.
Fuck who you wanna fuck. Do what you wanna do. Watch what you wanna watch.
Hitler listened to classical music. Hitler was a big Wagner fan who wrote mostly about a mythical time when Germans were giants and knights and stuff like that. It was some really nationalistic shit.
We care so much about the people of Iraq, or Afghanistan. But the countless genocide's we've shown a blind eye to don't matter. Can you really blame the world for hating us. We leave people to their death, and yet we get pissed at France for not backing our own war. What the fuck?
Don't blame the soldiers .Blame the politicians. The pricks in charge trying to make another dollar.
Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck us. Fuck off.
Praise be the fucking spork.
And it's not just Fox News, or Sean Hannity, or the wonders of the Bush Jihad. It's something that's been with this country for years and years. Trading beads and murder for land. We live on pools of blood.
Watch the flowers bloom. Tell me there's a god, and show me the strings he pulls.
We are the big brother to the world, because we know so much. Homeless? No problem. Not Christian? We can work with that. Brown? Welcome to the fun world of radiation sickness.
But hey, don't be down friend. Just wave that flag, pump that gas, and stay tuned for these commercials.
And sure, religion has a lot to do with it. Hell, it has to do with most problems on the planet. But what is the core of religion? Ego? Maybe. Control? Probably.
Exploitation of a society through fear and threats. Just imagine a world where no one believed in a god? How many wars would not have happened. Sure, some still would have. But a lot would have been avoided.
Of course, there is always something that can replace religion. After God lost his approval in the polls during the 60's and 70's, oh look, it's AIDS! OH! Better not fuck around! AIDS is rampant! OH GOD SAVE US!!! I will only fuck someone I have been married to! That way we can both be checked out by doctors! And have a contractual agreement to make sure we don't get it from someone else! OH! And the Holy Government can watch over us and make sure we are safe. Marriage. Yeah, that works.
In the words of our fore-fathers : "Let's get the fuck out of here"
Stop blaming movies while you launch missiles.
Fuck who you wanna fuck. Do what you wanna do. Watch what you wanna watch.
Hitler listened to classical music. Hitler was a big Wagner fan who wrote mostly about a mythical time when Germans were giants and knights and stuff like that. It was some really nationalistic shit.
We care so much about the people of Iraq, or Afghanistan. But the countless genocide's we've shown a blind eye to don't matter. Can you really blame the world for hating us. We leave people to their death, and yet we get pissed at France for not backing our own war. What the fuck?
Don't blame the soldiers .Blame the politicians. The pricks in charge trying to make another dollar.
Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck us. Fuck off.
Praise be the fucking spork.