Well I suppose i otta update my Journal.
I feel quite a bit embarrassed over this whole thing I really just wanted it to be a secret. And its really not a big deal, I've known the Prock's for years now. I just wish I coulda kept it a secret for more than 3 hours.
Honastly, I owed the Prock's a few anyway.
Thanks for all the comments though. I can feel myself turning red with embarrassment right this very moment, lol.

I feel quite a bit embarrassed over this whole thing I really just wanted it to be a secret. And its really not a big deal, I've known the Prock's for years now. I just wish I coulda kept it a secret for more than 3 hours.
Honastly, I owed the Prock's a few anyway.
Thanks for all the comments though. I can feel myself turning red with embarrassment right this very moment, lol.
I heard what ya did. That was freakin awesome. Everyone should have friends like you.
look another comment.