My fixed gear bicycle is the only love I need.
I went downtown, sold some shit to soundgarden. And then rode over to some square that was having a blues brothers cover band playing all sorts of classic rock hits. And there was this girl that was wearing a short bright blue skirt with big combat boots, a dirty black shirt, and those cut-off rockabilly bangs that I oh-so-love.
So, I actually talk to her for the most of the event. Blah blah blah. We left. But as I got on my bike to wander around the city some more, I saw her and her friend walking up Salina. So, my mind goes into super-stupid dorky bike guy mode and throws my legs into the handle bars and grabs the back seat... you know all stylin and whatnot.
My front tire hit a pot hole just as I got past them. And my bike flips vertically in the air. This propelled me into a standing/running position. So, I ran with it... a brief moment after that... I SMACKED into a parked taxi. Sonnnuvabitch that hurt. I'm pretty sore. Nothing broken or injured... so maybe I'll get away with a few bruises.
So, she runs over and does the whole motherly-nurse type of thing. I'm lovin it. So, I sat on the sidewalk after with her and her friend and she's all like... rubbing my head and back. BUT, we had to get a good fucking laugh out of it. Because comeon... I'm a fucking dumbass! I wasn't even wearin the skid lid so... I'm pretty lucky too.
But yeah. She wants to see me again. So, well.
I went downtown, sold some shit to soundgarden. And then rode over to some square that was having a blues brothers cover band playing all sorts of classic rock hits. And there was this girl that was wearing a short bright blue skirt with big combat boots, a dirty black shirt, and those cut-off rockabilly bangs that I oh-so-love.
So, I actually talk to her for the most of the event. Blah blah blah. We left. But as I got on my bike to wander around the city some more, I saw her and her friend walking up Salina. So, my mind goes into super-stupid dorky bike guy mode and throws my legs into the handle bars and grabs the back seat... you know all stylin and whatnot.
My front tire hit a pot hole just as I got past them. And my bike flips vertically in the air. This propelled me into a standing/running position. So, I ran with it... a brief moment after that... I SMACKED into a parked taxi. Sonnnuvabitch that hurt. I'm pretty sore. Nothing broken or injured... so maybe I'll get away with a few bruises.
So, she runs over and does the whole motherly-nurse type of thing. I'm lovin it. So, I sat on the sidewalk after with her and her friend and she's all like... rubbing my head and back. BUT, we had to get a good fucking laugh out of it. Because comeon... I'm a fucking dumbass! I wasn't even wearin the skid lid so... I'm pretty lucky too.
But yeah. She wants to see me again. So, well.
and take a girl oon a carriage ride in central park on a clear starlit breezy but not chilly night
hope all is well with you !