got into a fight at the bar last night... hit the guy so hard his front tooth came out... that was the end of it.... one punch a girly scream and now i kinda feel bad about it because he was bigger and started the fight but now hes got a hole in his grill :/ Wish I had something sweeter to write about *kiss* love you all
like i'd even know. you'd have to know me personally or do something to my family to have me actually hit you... but it would end up with the same outcome i'd imagine... a trip to the dentist for the poor bugger who decded to take a step too far. hahaha...
but anyways! i hope that kinda made you laugh at least. *shrug* thought i would put a little something on your page. perhaps next time i will post a 3 second video of me dancing like a crazy fool. that will make you laugh for sure!!!!!
have a wonderful day!