Officially a brainiac with issues deriving from the quest for the secret to harnessing the power of photosynthesis... and apparently a 'superior being' for such an original endeavor. Not an alchemist my left nipple and third elbow! Anyone avidly seeking to isolate metallic clusters on the molecular level that absorb and transmute photons to catalyze elemental compounds is bound to be a capatlist... or perhaps the motivation is truly the ideological quest to harness a new form of energy for the benefit of all. Nikola, or Edison... that is the question.
Either way, he completely ignored me at the local this evening, so I'm obviously not nearly sexy enough for him!!!
Yargit. Targit.
Either way, he completely ignored me at the local this evening, so I'm obviously not nearly sexy enough for him!!!

Yargit. Targit.