I just want to explain that the pics aren't going to happen for a about another month because I'm still in school and graduating this year. [and flipping over the amount of work I have to do] So Felipe (the photographer) will be doing these in May. I feel strange talking about it here because I'm a member, not a girl on this site.
Somebody, [i believe, mr. roboto] asked if I'd posted a pic of myself before as my user pic. I did, but only for a few days, I'll post another one soon.

Somebody, [i believe, mr. roboto] asked if I'd posted a pic of myself before as my user pic. I did, but only for a few days, I'll post another one soon.

check this guy out http://mp3.com/deathboy
and here too http://mp3.com/enrapture
really great stuff... i think any midi junkie should listen to them