okay, so my amber handcut plugs are 1/4" = 2ga. nice, i jumped from 6-2ga w/o much trouble. I kinda want 00's but know they most likely won't close.
This week has been one random thing after another and too much beer between them. Tonight I go out w/ a friend and then catsit for another, and hopefully end up at this cute boy's place after that, but I shall see.
btw, opahl, i think you'd rock these pants like nobody's business. You'd have to get a size 0 or something, though, because the 5's are big on me and I'm usually about a 6-8 in pants due to my big Puerto Rican behind.

This week has been one random thing after another and too much beer between them. Tonight I go out w/ a friend and then catsit for another, and hopefully end up at this cute boy's place after that, but I shall see.
btw, opahl, i think you'd rock these pants like nobody's business. You'd have to get a size 0 or something, though, because the 5's are big on me and I'm usually about a 6-8 in pants due to my big Puerto Rican behind.

Your picture reminds me of the Family Guy episode with that reality show "Fast Animals, Slow Children"