So my old roommate just called me trashed off his ass. His voice is so deep and he was SCREAMING the whole time. well, not screaming, yelling. it was like these really loud sonic booms and lots of them. I don't think I understood anything he said.Well, 'cept when I joked that I wsn't going to send a check that came in the mail to him. He still hasn't changed his mailing address and he moved out the beginning of september. I was joking about how I was going to throw a ton of chinese food menus in his self addressed stamped envelope he is sending me instead and he said "I'd go over there and pound your ass! and not in the good fun way!"
I called him a tease and he said he had to get off the phone before he made even more of an ass out of himself. lol.
I adore that kid, he was my favorite roommate ever. I miss him muchly. ::sigh::
that and he was HOT and straight. fun to look at.
I called him a tease and he said he had to get off the phone before he made even more of an ass out of himself. lol.
I adore that kid, he was my favorite roommate ever. I miss him muchly. ::sigh::

that and he was HOT and straight. fun to look at.

Oh the silliness!