Four more days until the set is available!
Yes.. So maybe I am counting down a little
Other than that, I've booked two other sets. One is my fetish shoot, the other is my first paid set. Not a bad hourly offer either, I might add. I'm enjoying myself with it and I can't wait to get some more finished products.
As for my personal life, my best friends birthday is coming up so we are to be celebrating soon. I even got a new dress for the occasion (I'll post pics from the night we go out) and I'm anxious. I've had a lot going on in my personal life that isn't good and I'm hoping that a couple nights out with her will help ease my mind and allow me to get away for a while from everything. I'm experiencing more health issues, unfortunately. They are bad off and on so I apologize for any absent periods either on here or on my Facebook account. It's difficult to keep up while feeling so poorly. I have to shave my head, probably sooner than I was ready for, but I'm hoping to be able to do these upcoming sets before I have to. Who knows though.. Whenever it happens I will probably post pictures, no matter how I feel about it. "I faced a fear of mine and shivered, but didn't blink" after all..
These are some pictures of my wig.. My very first one. It just I'm not sure if I like it or not because its such a dramatic change from my real hair. Maybe it will grow on me..

Yes.. So maybe I am counting down a little

Other than that, I've booked two other sets. One is my fetish shoot, the other is my first paid set. Not a bad hourly offer either, I might add. I'm enjoying myself with it and I can't wait to get some more finished products.
As for my personal life, my best friends birthday is coming up so we are to be celebrating soon. I even got a new dress for the occasion (I'll post pics from the night we go out) and I'm anxious. I've had a lot going on in my personal life that isn't good and I'm hoping that a couple nights out with her will help ease my mind and allow me to get away for a while from everything. I'm experiencing more health issues, unfortunately. They are bad off and on so I apologize for any absent periods either on here or on my Facebook account. It's difficult to keep up while feeling so poorly. I have to shave my head, probably sooner than I was ready for, but I'm hoping to be able to do these upcoming sets before I have to. Who knows though.. Whenever it happens I will probably post pictures, no matter how I feel about it. "I faced a fear of mine and shivered, but didn't blink" after all..
These are some pictures of my wig.. My very first one. It just I'm not sure if I like it or not because its such a dramatic change from my real hair. Maybe it will grow on me..

Your set is almost up isn't it? excited about it?? I was so nervous when mine was up on the website *-*