I know this seems so fucking stupid but I had been waiting a whole month to dye my hair black and purple. I was so excited to do it Then wouldn't you know it my fucking water pump breaks on my car and I now have to replace that and wait for the hair. It was going to be a christmas present to myself because NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE, ever gets me what I ask for for christmas.
Yes...Yes...I know the car is more important then my hair!!
But dammit....I was looking forward to it!
I shall go and pout like a lil brat in the corner!
Mean old mazda car...
10 Minutes Later :
Okay, I had my pout. I'm all good now. Had a long discussion with my mother who said if I dyed my hair those colors she'd disown me. Ha ha on her I talked with the girl whose going to do it and she suggested going more natural so it's going to be a very scrumptious chocolatey brown color and oh so blood red streaks.
I feel really good because I made a new friend in my stylist. She actually works for one of those chain store salons but she's really a stylist. She's THE best!! She says I boost her ego when I go in the store. I'm alsways telling her that if she ever left that I'd follow her. She should open up her own place. RI needs a salon where women can go to get their hair dyed pink and green if they wanted!!
So she asked me out to dinner tonight with her, her boyfriend and her brother, who is fucking hot you need pot holders to shake his hand!!! We then went dancing and wouldn't you know it he danced with me all night. It was cool talking with him too. I got into talking about graphics and started talking about learning more about Photoshop and he looked at me and started in on what version did I have?
I was/am a happy girl.
He asked me out We have a date on Monday.
Yes...Yes...I know the car is more important then my hair!!
But dammit....I was looking forward to it!
I shall go and pout like a lil brat in the corner!
Mean old mazda car...
10 Minutes Later :
Okay, I had my pout. I'm all good now. Had a long discussion with my mother who said if I dyed my hair those colors she'd disown me. Ha ha on her I talked with the girl whose going to do it and she suggested going more natural so it's going to be a very scrumptious chocolatey brown color and oh so blood red streaks.
I feel really good because I made a new friend in my stylist. She actually works for one of those chain store salons but she's really a stylist. She's THE best!! She says I boost her ego when I go in the store. I'm alsways telling her that if she ever left that I'd follow her. She should open up her own place. RI needs a salon where women can go to get their hair dyed pink and green if they wanted!!
So she asked me out to dinner tonight with her, her boyfriend and her brother, who is fucking hot you need pot holders to shake his hand!!! We then went dancing and wouldn't you know it he danced with me all night. It was cool talking with him too. I got into talking about graphics and started talking about learning more about Photoshop and he looked at me and started in on what version did I have?
I was/am a happy girl.
He asked me out We have a date on Monday.
So...Hair problems levelled out with a date??
Sounds like a fuckin sweet trade to me! See...when things work out with Mr.Tromeo? HE can buy your hair...(as he should!).
I too am doing the car-thang...I am actually looking for my replacement 78' Chevy Box van with souped up wheels and all the good stuff...BUT...Like I was saying, I AM interested to talk more then about the site then....Do you have any sites that you have worked on? I know that is what you do as I remember reading it before...That you are a 'budding designer' so...Yes, I will send you my proper e-mail, and a letter and stuff...I really appreciate it..I swear I didnt think I was going to get a response so quickly!
Anyhow...Sorry bout the long entry here...I guess I had somethin to say? lol!
Um..Oh yeah...Have an awesome debauchery, and I hope it is all even better than it looks drunk, and Yeah....Kick the red suited guy in the nuts!
(The pic wasnt s'possed to be so BIG, I just wanted to kind of 'scare; folks...like BOO! you know? Like.....BOOOOOOOO! Yeah, I know...you get it )
Yes, I am Drunk right now actually...