working a shit ton of hours at work....the most wonderful time of the year MY ASS. not if you work in retail. it makes you want to stab the nearest idiot in the eye with a fork. repeatedly.
so now for the mushy stuff update...
so, now im going into my last quarter in school...3 months til graduation, and im scared to death. im not awful at what i do, but im not super duper amazing either. im somewhere right down the middle. I went into ITT Tech with absolutely no knowlege of graphic design, and very limited knowledge of computers. so that right there put me waaaayyyyy behind a lot of the other student. i had to work my ass off twice as hard just to catch up with them. and while i was catching up with the rest of the students, they were just moving i was constantly 2 steps behind everyone. now i have learned A LOT in my 2 years there, but i am soo scared that i wont be good enough to get a job. that i will always be second or third best when it comes to jobs. i know im probably just freaking out over nothing, but i cant help it. its in my nature.
in general, everything in my life is great. and i am thoroughly enjoying it, and soaking up every moment
so, in conclusion, i leave you all with this....a few songs im obsessed with for the time being
and no need to worry about computers, you have someone in your life now that knows entirely too much about them, even ones from my youth, like the Apple IIe back when you were like (-)negative 8 years old.
We forgot two things at Denny's tonight.....your booster seat, and we never got crayons. Although you did seem to park in a puddle the size of lake erie each time we stopped, of course, the puddle was only on my side.
and just think: