Yeah, sometimes I paint. It has been a while.
This is 48" long, that's WAY bigger than I am used to working. Also, I found out after sketching it out that I had neglected to bring my Bombay inks with me to my new apartment, so I had to make due with acrylic, which I have basically zero experience with. I didn't have any blue either, so the sky? I tore a marker apart and rubbed its innards on the canvas, lol.
I don't know that I like how it turned out, but it was fun.

This is 48" long, that's WAY bigger than I am used to working. Also, I found out after sketching it out that I had neglected to bring my Bombay inks with me to my new apartment, so I had to make due with acrylic, which I have basically zero experience with. I didn't have any blue either, so the sky? I tore a marker apart and rubbed its innards on the canvas, lol.
I don't know that I like how it turned out, but it was fun.

Yes, you should enjoy the process, I think that's every bit as important as the outcome. If you discover that you don't care for the results, it's fun enough that you'll keep doing it until you make something that you DO like.
Keep at it!
PS Make friends with acrylic paints. You can dilute them and they behave like water colors, or you can leave them full strength and sculpt them with knives like you would oil paints. I'm probably not telling you anything you don't know already...