Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Cancer
This combination is not harmonious. There are indications of mistakes in life arising from your impulsiveness, which is heightened and readily expressed by your emotional nature. Cancer confers the gifts of sensitivity and prophecy through acute feeling and intuition. Your well-developed imagination often leads you into the realm of mysticism, and there are religious tendencies in your nature. In love you are sympathetic and intense and try to conduct your romance according to your idealistic conception of love. The key to a more harmonious self lies in checking the impulsiveness of your individuality, which results in destructive reactions.
Ascendant in Aries, Mars in the Eleventh House
At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aries was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mars is located in the eleventh house.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal belt and its natives seem also desirous of being "first" in all activities with which they happen to be involved. The cardinality of the sign makes you extremely active and capable of displaying ambition, impulsiveness, courage, and boldness in order to satisfy your desire for prominence in the world.
The general course of your life will be filled with many 'ups' and 'downs' and changes conforming very much with the psychological nature of your temperament. Whether you triumph or not in life depends on your ability to develop your most positive inborn qualities and, simultaneously, exert some control over your less favorable characteristics, such as a lack of prudence, and a certain disregard for the feelings and opinions of others.
Aries gives a tendency for its natives to be inclined to politics and public work. You should be successful (or at least attempt to be so) in any work or activity that necessitates pioneering ideas and/or a militant disposition. You also appear to have an ardent attitude in any project that somehow or another involves new concepts or original work and in which you are given a position of leadership. One of your problems is that in your love for achievement in novel projects you tend to destroy old concepts and former contributions which would, perhaps, have been useful for your endeavors. Impulsive, critical, despising mean or dubious acts, you will create many excellent friendships but also important enemies. Your life is rich in passion and ardent love. In sexual matters you are quick, aggressive, and to the point. You also are a lover of pleasures, which you feel with a bright, open, and sparkling character.
The eleventh house is the house of hopes, aspirations, wishes, friendships and general luck. There will be a tremendous amount of energy dedicated to matters concerning your friends (or friends that turn into enemies). The relations with people within your social life are not altogether satisfactory and there are contentions among acquaintances. You must control your impulses and out-spoken ways to improve this behavior.
Saturn in the First House
Saturn is in the first house. Saturn's placement here gives you a conservative, sometimes gloomy and self-denying outlook on life. Because every contact is of great importance, you tend to be rather detached and even aloof so that you can be sure exactly where you stand. You can be self-conscious and may feel awkward and prudish with others who appear to take things more lightly. The depth with which you look at yourself is characteristic of the way you relate to others.
You were taught very early in life to be self-reliant, and you were often given more responsibility than usual for your age.
Your intellect is constant and usually unfettered by momentary feelings and whims. Logic plays an important role in your thinking processes. Grandiose schemes and theories have little interest for you.
Once you accept your own limitations and face up to your challenges and responsibilities with a sense of purpose, you will be able to succeed in whatever field you decide on. Your health is generally good, so long as you exercise sufficiently to relieve tension.
Moon in the Third House
The Moon appears in the third house at the time of your birth. Your intellect is very sensitive to external events always changing and adjusting to the situation.
Memory is strong and of a pictorial nature. The mind, however, is liable to become too subjective and shallow with an overemphasis on superficial learning and with little practical use or lacking in intellectual sensibility. On the favorable side, there exists a vast reservoir of creativity which could be successfully applied to such pursuits as writing and poetry. Physically, the Moon will give you an intensely active life full of changes, mobility and fluctuations.
The demands of this position are simple: exert yourself in acquiring better control of your unstable and persistent imagination, increasing, thereby, powers of concentration and you will find delightful improvements not only at a mental level, but also in the ability to communicate with others more realistically.
Venus in the Seventh House
Venus was found in your seventh house at the time of birth. Regarding marriage and other intimate relationships this is one of the best influences existing. You have been promised a happy relationship with a very attractive, lovely, and pleasing person. You have the potential to derive both emotional and financial gain through this connection.
Your individuality is thrust toward the environment and this will lead to happiness as well as a psychological compensation for any disabilities. In your interaction with other human beings, there will be harmonious relationships.
You will achieve balance through sentimental affection, aesthetics, art, and relationships.
Jupiter Opposition Ascendant
Jupiter opposition the Ascendant indicates that you are generous toward your associates and civil with competitors. You are polished and refined, sometimes to the point that others may be suspicious of your motives. You prefer to associate with people who seem sure of themselves and their goals. Just as an investment broker deals in financial resources, you deal in the resources of people; who they are and what they can accomplish for themselves and for you. You pride yourself on your good judgment, but you ignore the fact that you are a taker, not a giver, except when it suits your long-range purposes.
Your greatest problem is that you use people to serve your personal objectives. You must learn that being generous is as beneficial to you as accepting the generosity of others.
Sun in the Eighth House
The Sun was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. This inclines your individuality to be oriented, in one way or another, to the deeper sides of life. Your sexual feelings are long-lasting, intense, and vital. Your inner self seems attracted to unusual matters related to the termination of life-death and its mysteries.
Traditional astrology indicates that near your middle age a crisis will rear its head in your life. If this period is successfully spanned you can expect a prolonged life with a gradual heightening vitality.
Financially, there are definite chances for money inherited from either your partner or from another relative.
This combination is not harmonious. There are indications of mistakes in life arising from your impulsiveness, which is heightened and readily expressed by your emotional nature. Cancer confers the gifts of sensitivity and prophecy through acute feeling and intuition. Your well-developed imagination often leads you into the realm of mysticism, and there are religious tendencies in your nature. In love you are sympathetic and intense and try to conduct your romance according to your idealistic conception of love. The key to a more harmonious self lies in checking the impulsiveness of your individuality, which results in destructive reactions.
Ascendant in Aries, Mars in the Eleventh House
At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aries was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mars is located in the eleventh house.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal belt and its natives seem also desirous of being "first" in all activities with which they happen to be involved. The cardinality of the sign makes you extremely active and capable of displaying ambition, impulsiveness, courage, and boldness in order to satisfy your desire for prominence in the world.
The general course of your life will be filled with many 'ups' and 'downs' and changes conforming very much with the psychological nature of your temperament. Whether you triumph or not in life depends on your ability to develop your most positive inborn qualities and, simultaneously, exert some control over your less favorable characteristics, such as a lack of prudence, and a certain disregard for the feelings and opinions of others.
Aries gives a tendency for its natives to be inclined to politics and public work. You should be successful (or at least attempt to be so) in any work or activity that necessitates pioneering ideas and/or a militant disposition. You also appear to have an ardent attitude in any project that somehow or another involves new concepts or original work and in which you are given a position of leadership. One of your problems is that in your love for achievement in novel projects you tend to destroy old concepts and former contributions which would, perhaps, have been useful for your endeavors. Impulsive, critical, despising mean or dubious acts, you will create many excellent friendships but also important enemies. Your life is rich in passion and ardent love. In sexual matters you are quick, aggressive, and to the point. You also are a lover of pleasures, which you feel with a bright, open, and sparkling character.
The eleventh house is the house of hopes, aspirations, wishes, friendships and general luck. There will be a tremendous amount of energy dedicated to matters concerning your friends (or friends that turn into enemies). The relations with people within your social life are not altogether satisfactory and there are contentions among acquaintances. You must control your impulses and out-spoken ways to improve this behavior.
Saturn in the First House
Saturn is in the first house. Saturn's placement here gives you a conservative, sometimes gloomy and self-denying outlook on life. Because every contact is of great importance, you tend to be rather detached and even aloof so that you can be sure exactly where you stand. You can be self-conscious and may feel awkward and prudish with others who appear to take things more lightly. The depth with which you look at yourself is characteristic of the way you relate to others.
You were taught very early in life to be self-reliant, and you were often given more responsibility than usual for your age.
Your intellect is constant and usually unfettered by momentary feelings and whims. Logic plays an important role in your thinking processes. Grandiose schemes and theories have little interest for you.
Once you accept your own limitations and face up to your challenges and responsibilities with a sense of purpose, you will be able to succeed in whatever field you decide on. Your health is generally good, so long as you exercise sufficiently to relieve tension.
Moon in the Third House
The Moon appears in the third house at the time of your birth. Your intellect is very sensitive to external events always changing and adjusting to the situation.
Memory is strong and of a pictorial nature. The mind, however, is liable to become too subjective and shallow with an overemphasis on superficial learning and with little practical use or lacking in intellectual sensibility. On the favorable side, there exists a vast reservoir of creativity which could be successfully applied to such pursuits as writing and poetry. Physically, the Moon will give you an intensely active life full of changes, mobility and fluctuations.
The demands of this position are simple: exert yourself in acquiring better control of your unstable and persistent imagination, increasing, thereby, powers of concentration and you will find delightful improvements not only at a mental level, but also in the ability to communicate with others more realistically.
Venus in the Seventh House
Venus was found in your seventh house at the time of birth. Regarding marriage and other intimate relationships this is one of the best influences existing. You have been promised a happy relationship with a very attractive, lovely, and pleasing person. You have the potential to derive both emotional and financial gain through this connection.
Your individuality is thrust toward the environment and this will lead to happiness as well as a psychological compensation for any disabilities. In your interaction with other human beings, there will be harmonious relationships.
You will achieve balance through sentimental affection, aesthetics, art, and relationships.
Jupiter Opposition Ascendant
Jupiter opposition the Ascendant indicates that you are generous toward your associates and civil with competitors. You are polished and refined, sometimes to the point that others may be suspicious of your motives. You prefer to associate with people who seem sure of themselves and their goals. Just as an investment broker deals in financial resources, you deal in the resources of people; who they are and what they can accomplish for themselves and for you. You pride yourself on your good judgment, but you ignore the fact that you are a taker, not a giver, except when it suits your long-range purposes.
Your greatest problem is that you use people to serve your personal objectives. You must learn that being generous is as beneficial to you as accepting the generosity of others.
Sun in the Eighth House
The Sun was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. This inclines your individuality to be oriented, in one way or another, to the deeper sides of life. Your sexual feelings are long-lasting, intense, and vital. Your inner self seems attracted to unusual matters related to the termination of life-death and its mysteries.
Traditional astrology indicates that near your middle age a crisis will rear its head in your life. If this period is successfully spanned you can expect a prolonged life with a gradual heightening vitality.
Financially, there are definite chances for money inherited from either your partner or from another relative.
I've got a fe clips of film i took when e were there, i'll have to try and post some!