Ive made some mistakes. Ive destroyed some relationships.
Ive caused hate onto myself, and became the bad guy.
Ive given everything I had only to be left with nothing.
Ive been selfish, unrelenting, and unconventional.
Ive not been myself, yet became another extension of myself at the same time.
Ive gained knowledge, and lost trust.
Ive waited, and been left without answers.
Ive spilled out my thoughts only to be left with silence.
Ive taken chances, and ended up burnt.
Essentially if you look at what you see above you might think little good exist up there.
I see it differently. I see learning experiences that one wouldn't have had if not for chasing dreams, and going for something special.
Did any of it work out. Seemingly not, but at least I tried for something, and didn't back out because of others thoughts, or ideals.
I am still young. I still have time.
Not many know, but now you all will.
I will be attending college at Kaplan University via Online Classes. I will be going for my Associates Degree in the Science of Business Management. This is just a step in the direction of making sure that by the time I am 25 that I actually have some sort of life ahead of me that I can look forward to.
I am still going to be going after my bar tending certificate. It is unfortunately just taking more time than originally planned.
In 3-4 months I will more than likely be looking at working 2 jobs/attending college/and more than likely working in another project musically. I am sure I will have no life, but hey... you gotta do what you gotta do.
No longer will I be left not knowing what my future holds for me because Ive put it in others hands to decide.
I am done trying with those that seemingly don't bother trying with me. You can take that to heart.
My future is in my hands, and though not everything can be known what I do know is that mistakes that occur, and victories that are had will be solely on that which my hands made happen.
females ARE evil. but so are males. hence why i'm single, and staying that way.
well! me being a gamer i can honestly say, that is the most pathetic move ive seen since final fantasy x to final fantasy x-2! sorry.