I am sitting here. Full of mostly negative thoughts/feelings.
Once again my car has seemingly a transmission problem. Not even 3 weeks after getting it back from the transmission being "fixed".
I do like my car, but this will be the 2nd month in a row where I will be making a payment on a car I am not even able to drive. I will have had the car for 3 month, and will have only been able to drive it for maybe 5-6 of those weeks. I can gurantee that I won't go with Dodge again.
Moving on...
Ive been given the label of dickhead once or eight times as of late.
Some of my co-workers (All in joking fun though. I mean we practically spend 80% of our days cracking jokes on eachother, and eachothers mommies)
Some random people I really don't care about...
And maybe one that I do fairly care about.
The co-workers essentially is really just joking around. I really wouldn't wish anyone to be thrown in a grinder that I work with. I actually enjoy most of the people I work with. Although outside of work they can tend to be highly unreliable they are at least very reliable at work. I guess its a balance act type deal. Got to keep it steady.
Random people... well I hate people in general. I will be a dick unless I see reason to believe a person has intelligence beyond that of the assholes who lack the ability to do their job right, and fix my goddamn car the right way.
As for this individual I speak of. Well... its quite the interesting story all around to be honest. Its sort of like a season of some crazy drama where you are constantly waiting for that moment in the show where something gives. Every episode seems to have these build ups of either good or bad, and everyone is just waiting for that "special" moment or "devastating" end. Anyone watching this would have had MORE than enough of both to have seen. Anyway... needless to my character in this show took on the roll of a dickhead in this last episode. See now I replayed this in my head, and I can definitely see where one would think "Wow. What a dickhead. He just shouldn't say that." but at the same time. I can imagine another thinking "He was only telling the truth... He has been proven right time, and time again. Yes, he is being harsh, but its not like he has been given reason not to". Ive got mixed feelings on it. In one light I think... I owe an apology, but in another I am thinking... Why apologize for being honest? I guess this is a situation where Id rather be a dickhead who tells the truth about how he feels. Unless being a dickhead who lies is preferred. Who knows.
Once again my car has seemingly a transmission problem. Not even 3 weeks after getting it back from the transmission being "fixed".
I do like my car, but this will be the 2nd month in a row where I will be making a payment on a car I am not even able to drive. I will have had the car for 3 month, and will have only been able to drive it for maybe 5-6 of those weeks. I can gurantee that I won't go with Dodge again.
Moving on...
Ive been given the label of dickhead once or eight times as of late.
Some of my co-workers (All in joking fun though. I mean we practically spend 80% of our days cracking jokes on eachother, and eachothers mommies)
Some random people I really don't care about...
And maybe one that I do fairly care about.
The co-workers essentially is really just joking around. I really wouldn't wish anyone to be thrown in a grinder that I work with. I actually enjoy most of the people I work with. Although outside of work they can tend to be highly unreliable they are at least very reliable at work. I guess its a balance act type deal. Got to keep it steady.
Random people... well I hate people in general. I will be a dick unless I see reason to believe a person has intelligence beyond that of the assholes who lack the ability to do their job right, and fix my goddamn car the right way.
As for this individual I speak of. Well... its quite the interesting story all around to be honest. Its sort of like a season of some crazy drama where you are constantly waiting for that moment in the show where something gives. Every episode seems to have these build ups of either good or bad, and everyone is just waiting for that "special" moment or "devastating" end. Anyone watching this would have had MORE than enough of both to have seen. Anyway... needless to my character in this show took on the roll of a dickhead in this last episode. See now I replayed this in my head, and I can definitely see where one would think "Wow. What a dickhead. He just shouldn't say that." but at the same time. I can imagine another thinking "He was only telling the truth... He has been proven right time, and time again. Yes, he is being harsh, but its not like he has been given reason not to". Ive got mixed feelings on it. In one light I think... I owe an apology, but in another I am thinking... Why apologize for being honest? I guess this is a situation where Id rather be a dickhead who tells the truth about how he feels. Unless being a dickhead who lies is preferred. Who knows.
come hang tonite....dickhead....LOL
I am just down! you know, obviously