I feel like Ive lost a child.
Yes. Thats correct.
It goes something along these lines.
-About a 40 some days ago I noticed a bird who had laid its eggs on the ground (In the brickyard of the place I work). Three total.
-I didn't want anything to happen to these eggs, or bird so I made sure no person could see them or accidentally step on them.
-Needless to say. 2 of the 3 eggs hatched. Then they disappeared.
-The kid that I work with also assisted in making sure they hatched safely.
-After a couple days they came back, and we pondered if the little birdies could fly.
-They couldn't, and they ran from us through a fence, and onto the street.
-I yelled jokingly at the little birdies to get off the street, but they didn't listen.
-Next thing I know a truck is coming towards the little birds so I yell, and make noise to scare them away.
-The one ran, but the other didn't.
-Just as I went to yell another word a large vehicle completely destroyed one of the little birdies.
-The kid, and I were automatically in shock at what we just saw.
-We witnessed one of the birdies we made sure hatched safely get crushed/splattered by a large dump truck.
I have to admit. I was somewhat shocked. The noise was just weird, and then listening to the parents cry out for it for 30 some minutes was weird as well.
Yeah. Somewhat odd to be honest.
Moving on.
I am insanely tired. So if I don't make sense I blame it on that.
I did quite a bit of work today. Work was crazy, and then I started working on my car.
I am having a system installed tomorrow. I was able to run 5 sets of wire through my car.
Its gutted on the inside. No back seat, or molding alone the doors. The door panels are off, and everything.
I spent about 3 hours doing all of that. It will be about another 5-6 hours tomorrow to completely finish up.
The hard work will hopefully be worth it by around 5 tomorrow.
I will have to update on that.
Thats all for now. I need sleep.
Yes. Thats correct.
It goes something along these lines.
-About a 40 some days ago I noticed a bird who had laid its eggs on the ground (In the brickyard of the place I work). Three total.
-I didn't want anything to happen to these eggs, or bird so I made sure no person could see them or accidentally step on them.
-Needless to say. 2 of the 3 eggs hatched. Then they disappeared.
-The kid that I work with also assisted in making sure they hatched safely.
-After a couple days they came back, and we pondered if the little birdies could fly.
-They couldn't, and they ran from us through a fence, and onto the street.
-I yelled jokingly at the little birdies to get off the street, but they didn't listen.
-Next thing I know a truck is coming towards the little birds so I yell, and make noise to scare them away.
-The one ran, but the other didn't.
-Just as I went to yell another word a large vehicle completely destroyed one of the little birdies.
-The kid, and I were automatically in shock at what we just saw.
-We witnessed one of the birdies we made sure hatched safely get crushed/splattered by a large dump truck.
I have to admit. I was somewhat shocked. The noise was just weird, and then listening to the parents cry out for it for 30 some minutes was weird as well.
Yeah. Somewhat odd to be honest.
Moving on.
I am insanely tired. So if I don't make sense I blame it on that.
I did quite a bit of work today. Work was crazy, and then I started working on my car.
I am having a system installed tomorrow. I was able to run 5 sets of wire through my car.
Its gutted on the inside. No back seat, or molding alone the doors. The door panels are off, and everything.
I spent about 3 hours doing all of that. It will be about another 5-6 hours tomorrow to completely finish up.
The hard work will hopefully be worth it by around 5 tomorrow.
I will have to update on that.
Thats all for now. I need sleep.
That sucks about the parents calling out for it afterward though. Maybe they should have had more intelligent offspring.