I haven't been on in awhile, I have actually been super busy, Im in the long drawn out process of buying a home!! it is taking forever to close, but it is an amazing, life changing ordeal and i wouldn't want to be doing anything other than this! It will be my fiance, my son and I living there, we bought a three bedroom 1... Read More
Nothing too new has been up round these parts... well, i guess, i DID move recently. Into my boyfriends moms house.... its alright, we got to paint the room and make it our 'own' and it helps because were saving up to buy a home come tax time.. so i guess the ends justifies the means..(?) i think that's how the saying goes. Oh WOW!... Read More
Today was GREAT! ...Eh, Well... First off last night i stayed up till midnight packing to go back to Wisconsin for awhile to get my head on strait. (Call it cold feet. A mid-life crisis. whatever you will. its all the same, fear of the unknown... OR fear of the TOTAL known and carefully planned future.) ANYhow, like i said i was up till midnight... Read More