It is dark outside today and I can't stand it. I have too much work to do right now to have it be so dreary and dismal outside - makes me sleepy, damn it! I think that I shall make myself a nice cup of tea and fester at my desk for a few hours. Stupid community profiles reference purchasing national resources community gatekeepers neatly compiled into a bibliography bullshit! I just hope that I get a chance to skip on down to the library.. public libraries are so great with their card catalogs and their Dewey decimals.. I have missed that being in academia for so long.. bahhh. gaahhh. ah-hem.. sorry, slight aneurysm just then. Back to work.
Yeah everything was fine. I brought the cats in and then stayed at a friend's place overnight. Cats peed on the couch...still can't get the smell out but it's not mine so I don't care.