Looking for new apartment is terribly exciting... so much so that I believe I may be jumping the gun a bit! Though we wouldn't need a homestead until August 1st, I can't keep myself from peeking at places online - most of which are opening up June 1st, or are 'available now'. Also, what is with us and moving to places that we've never been before?! Though, I already know that I like Providence. It is much like Boston in its nature, but deliciously cheaper. I am so stoked about getting out of this festering dump. I mean, Houston ain't so bad, but being a northern gal, I just ain't accustomed to it. I need the city to be a walking one, the weather to be frigid, with its people to match. Also, I don't want to be battling roaches the size of my head! Man! I could ride those things!
More Blogs
Monday Feb 07, 2005
Nu zr, jung n qnl.. jung n qnl. Zl oyheerq ivfvba jvyy jrypbzr guvf … -
Sunday Feb 06, 2005
So yesterday was [MEMBER=Sigmatic's] birthday, and we had ourselves a… -
Friday Feb 04, 2005
So, the best thing ever happened to me this morning... so, I was leav… -
Thursday Feb 03, 2005
It looks like ketchup, tastes like ketchup, but brother - it ain't ke… -
Wednesday Feb 02, 2005
oh, cancel cancel cancel. -
Monday Jan 31, 2005
The doctor never tells you anything good. It's either 'you're fine, … -
Sunday Jan 30, 2005
Did I write to that guy? Yes, indeed. He said that maybe he'd hold … -
Friday Jan 28, 2005
coffee, tea, sugar, beetles. -
Wednesday Jan 26, 2005
I am currently experiencing a taste explosion. Best new gum flavor e… -
Wednesday Jan 26, 2005
I love getting free stuff. And giving free stuff! Cheap stuff is go…