Looking for new apartment is terribly exciting... so much so that I believe I may be jumping the gun a bit! Though we wouldn't need a homestead until August 1st, I can't keep myself from peeking at places online - most of which are opening up June 1st, or are 'available now'. Also, what is with us and moving to places that we've never been before?! Though, I already know that I like Providence. It is much like Boston in its nature, but deliciously cheaper. I am so stoked about getting out of this festering dump. I mean, Houston ain't so bad, but being a northern gal, I just ain't accustomed to it. I need the city to be a walking one, the weather to be frigid, with its people to match. Also, I don't want to be battling roaches the size of my head! Man! I could ride those things!
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 09, 2005
Off to Austin again this weekend, except this time, it's going to be … -
Thursday Jun 02, 2005
Finally got the last tooth... and it feels great! Well, great in the… -
Thursday May 26, 2005
Wow, work today's been a real bitch! I keep getting these phone call… -
Wednesday May 18, 2005
Looking for new apartment is terribly exciting... so much so that I b… -
Wednesday May 18, 2005
Looking for new apartment is terribly exciting... so much so that I b… -
Friday May 13, 2005
My teeth still fucking hurt! What IS this shit?! I can't eat goo fo… -
Saturday May 07, 2005
I just had two root canals today. -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
Ah.... finally, Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis is in my hot lit… -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
I swear that I like it! A lot! I just don't look like I do. -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
no, no I don't.