I could really go for some trout. I haven't had any in a while... it's been all salmon. Not that I'm complaing about that, but salmon isn't my only favorite! It's just nice to think of floating out in my old sage green 40 ft (yeah it was huge) canoe.. out on the lake with my dad, reeling in rainbow trout to take home for dinner. There's just something so gratifying about catching, preparing and cooking your own food. And man, is it ever delicious... from the fresh waters of the Maine woods. Those were the good ol' days. Now we fish for red snapper where the Peace River and the Gulf of Mexico meet. Well, we haven't been out to that pier in a while - not since the hurricane blew it away. But, he's got another boat. I really need to visit him more often.
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I never really went boat fishing. My pop couldnt get me to sit still for long enough to go boat fishing i think
I can already tell that this visit to the shrink is going to be ackward, but I can't let my pride get in the way.
Weird though...
Good luck with your call!