Sometimes all I want to do is tell people to go and shove it. Either that, or sit down and have a lengthy conversation on exactly why it is so important that they obtain Histoire de Polybe - which is only available at 2 universities, in special collections, and their bitch-ass archivists are adamantly opposed to conducting a fiche-to-fiche copy of the material... pffft. To ask why they would be so willing to view this material, that if I couldn't provide it for them, they would be willing to travel to another city, even another state, and sit down and read 6 volumes in French Histoire.... now that's passion. And meeting people like this - well, it's why I love my job. And, after speaking with a special collections librarian at X university, they agreed to finally let the fiche of this material pass into our hot little hands. Hooray for us! My frustration merely flares up from time to time - stemming from my feelings of inadequacy. It just seems so foolish to not be able to obtain material - I mean, come on, even if it's in special collections. We'll get it from another country, if we have to. Every time I have to submit a request (which is very infrequently, mind you) to our collections development librarians suggesting a potential purchase, I feel like a failure. But, that's what hittin' the bottle is for, I guess.
Oh you're so funny
Don't hit that bottle too hard wouldn't want you getting to loose on us...