Finally, the DDC! As if I didn't already have enough reasons to pull out my hair.. The vulture situation is getting slightly disturbing over here... they circle nonstop. I am wondering if there is something dead in the woods around my house, or if they are waiting for me to die? For me to bring them home some dinner? Let the homicides commence! Oh wait,... Read More
Aww I missed your birthday by about a million. Oh well, I will make it up to you in KoL with some sort of celebratory saucery...and pomp, definetly there will be pomp.
What a wonderful thing to be free (of classes) for one fine week. Though, this of course is not taking into consideration the fact that you still have to drag your ass into the department a few times that week to chip away at the most irritating tasks appointed to you as a GA by your crazy professor that hasn't kept a record of the... Read More
I was so excited that I forgot to stretch my pointing finger before going into the grand jury today. When I went to point at the defendant, my finger ripped right off. Painful and embarrassing.
I'm not getting some cheap, American-made finger just because some relative's sappy E-mail has a story about some doofus who's out of a job. Nope, it's a Japanese, or better yet a German, finger for me. You won't see my finger flying across a courtroom and hitting an assistant D.A. in the shin ever again.
Yarrrgh, matey... it be cold. Though, warming up with whiskey wouldn't be the brightest of ideas before tackling that AACR2 this evening. Gag. *sigh* well, stalling isn't getting it done any faster (and the cataloging gnomes are slacking off).
I spend usually 17 hours a week on the reference desk and the rest of the time doing YA stuff or in meetings. I run a program called "Homework Help" for teens in the afternoons and evenings, Tuesday through Thursday and Saturday afternoon. Most of the 17 hours fall during these times.
I knew I wanted to do reference in a public setting. I feel somewhat compelled to contribute to society at the local level. I discovered I liked YA work while I was in grad school. It seems like they might be grooming me to take over the tech side of things when the director retires in a few years.
Well, I figure Bitch Go Make me a Sandwich is the exact opposite of this book:
Author: Friedman, Sonya.
Title: A hero is more than just a sandwich : how to give up junk food love and find a naturally sweet man
Publication info.: New York : Putnam, c1986.
With that, the Dewey Number ought to be this: -646.78
I've got a degree in history and one in geography. At one point I thought I might go into speech pathology. Of course, this was prior to my discovering how poor I was at science. I wanted to make some sort of contribution to society (and not in a make-huge-corporate-bucks-and-trust-it-will-trickle-down-to-the-little-people kind of way), but after a few seasons of teaching swim lessons, I realized standing in front of a class day after day wasn't my bag.
So you're a librarian, too, ay? How did you enter the field?
As far as any ooh-la-la's associated with my being a male librarian, I guess I am a favorite among a handful of married mothers of two. I need to work in a library in some east-side Portland neighborhoods. I think I'd find more women my age who'd be impressed. Not to mention the increase in pay.
I came to this journal too late to know what full circle might be referring to, but as I hate to feel left out, I'll pretend you were referring to Full House. Did you see when Uncle Joey talked in a funny voice? That was hilarious.
hey poopstink! email me on my excite account ok. you emailed the boy last time. so how was new years n shit? moving? what did you do to shoot yourself in the foot? what happened?
love pffft
..and here I was thinking that all of the stress was going to be impacting my work... striaght As, bitch. Yeah. I'm not one to gloat, but... I will. go me. And, I've found a place to live as well - moving in by the first. Everything just seems to be comin' up roses.. time to start anew (I think I remember how this 'swingin'... Read More
Woo Hoo on the good grades! You should come out to the Living Room tonight to meet us and celebrate.
Shit, I haven't kept up...I didn't know about the single thing. Glad you found a place to live. Fresh starts can be a good thing.
But seriously, if you think you can make out tonight, you should totally go. Sasquatch and the Sick-a-Billies, it will be good times, and it would be cool to meet you. Show starts at 8:00, we'll probably be there around 8:30 or 9:00. If not, happy holidays!!
Edited to say that I should read group threads before I post in anyone's journal. Have fun at your mom's!!
if you wanna come back I will be here with open arms!!!