My best friend kara is an amazing mother and is about to lose her kid. Im so upset. Yesterday i saw her cry. Ive known her for 5 years and ive never once seen her cry. I HATE the dad, Matt. Hes left Kai (the baby) alone in her crib for 6 HOURS. Kara would come home and kai would be in the same place, dirty covered in puke. All matt does it play final fantasy. And he is prolly going to get this kid all because kara isnt divorced yet and moved in with another man who treats kai well. I HATE MATT!! Im taking up voodoo now! That SOB has to go. Someone go fetch me a straw hat, a robe, a chicken and some knives...ok dont. But last night Pete told me about this woman he arrested who was a satanist. Pete isnt afraid of any man, balls of steel, but this woman freaked him out. Her eyes were black. Not brown but black. Maybe i can get her to help me out.
But you should totally get in touch with that Satanist woman. Hey, who knows, the rumors might be true--she might be into kinky devilish sex magik. -=coughs=- Hmm... So... anyways...