My friend might get kicked out of her parents house because she MIGHT be having sex with some english dude. I feel sorry for her. Shes a grown woman but shes being treated like a kid! Hell i wasnt even treated that way when i was first started having sex and i was 15. My mom was very loose about these kinds of things (prolly cause i hadent done anything she didnt do).She didnt mind my boyfriend and i having sex and letting him stay over for few days, all she asked was that i please be smart about it and use protection. That might make my mom sound bad but it i dont think it is. Kids are going to have sex whether you like it or not. You can either know about it and encourage using safety or you can just tell them no and hope they dont. Thats why im for sex education and giving out condoms in school. Kids are going to do it and making it sound taboo is just going to make them even more curious. I know that my mom wanted me to wait but she didnt expect me to.
I've always thought that I would never want my son/daughter to feel like they're not trusted in their own home.
Unfortunately, nothing can get a conservative parent to think rationally.