Hi everyone!
It's been so long since I've written a full blog. How are we all doing?! I hope you're all great!
Me however, not so great. It seems to be health issue after health issue at the moment.. (more on that later)
So with that in mind, I thought you should all know (if I recover well) that my 2017 won't start until March! I always wanted to do that whole "new year, new me" cliche but actually follow through till the end of the Year! My goals are to get active and lose 1st (approx 6.5 kgs for you who don't know the British system!) maybe even more! Posting it here in a blog, I know my goal is real and hopefully have your support through it.
Now I might hear you ask "why start your year in March?"
WELL. If you have been keeping up to date with me via Instagram (sometimes posted on here) I had a surgery to have a mole removed on the 6th Jan. 7 stitches on my boob isn't the most fun of things. I've Had to deal with infections, strain on the wound... And no heavy lifting... but it's okay :) that's all healed fine!
Perfectly lined up to start my 2017 in February!
Not exactly, my anxiety had a flare up at the beginning of the month and couldn't handle standard situations. Would literally panic and cry everyday because I felt worthless or couldn't speak up to say how I honestly felt.
But it's okay my anxiety started to subside and I thought I had everything under control! Yeah!!!! Symmetra's got this....
And Then..... on the 13th Feb I find out I've caught chicken pox. CHICKEN POX. seriously. Ugh.
I'm still itching like crazy but typing is a good distraction from it. I'm not going to post photos of my grossness on here. It is really gross. SERIOUSLY gross. (I like showing my more "tasteful" skin, which is in member review *hint hint* ;) )
(From Anglicus Ortus - shot by @coolicio which comes out in 4 months)
When people say chicken pox is more severe in adults. IT REALLY IS. I feel so foolish having an illness that's common in infants and children. But I can't control it I guess.... never mind.
Hopefully my next blog is a bit more positive. I just wanted to keep you all posted on how I'm doing. I know it's been a while.
Symmetra xx